MovieChat Forums > Young Einstein (1989) Discussion > did he fall off the face of the earth?

did he fall off the face of the earth?

Just wondering... what has he done since?? Anyway I think this movie is great, kind of a guilty pleasure, if you will... it's lame in a way but still a lot of fun to watch. Oh and I think he's kind of cute...

The song "Great Southern Land" is awesome... too bad Icehouse didn't have more success over here... besides "Electric Blue".


well Yahoo Serious did sue in 2002 for the Yahoooooooooo!!! ads

nothing much more

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carloski2003, did he win?

"If the Apocalypse comes; Beep me!"


nah it was laughed out of court.

I think his managers wanted to do it since it will get his back out the publics mind for the soon to release
Mr. Accident

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If ya click his name on the main page you can see what else he has done:

Reckless Kelly - Yet another "Yahooing" of a historical figure, this time the legend of Ned Kelly.

Mr Accident - A silly and purile comedy that is nowhere near this or RK.



Apparently, he's working on a new film about Kokoda


He would actually be 52 NOW.

Damn, was it really 17 years ago when i saw Young Einstein.


Yes, you're old.


Thanks mate for making me feel old(er).

Ps. Its only taken me 10 months to reply :-)


Any update on his progress?


If I yell here, will it echo?


ECHO... ECHO....echo

"If the Apocalypse comes; Beep me!"


YES I do believe he fell off the face of the earth!! I ONLY HOPE HE DOES'NT FIND HIS WAY BACK!!



i was wondering the same thing.. i saw him in LA when i was on vacation there about, wow, like 18 years ago now? lol. he was in my hotel on the elevator :P

young einstein was great!


Nothing personal, but is there really a such thing as a Jersey Diva? I have a friend who moved there for work last year and when I visit all of the women have those tall poofy hair-dos like the 1980's hair-band craze was in full effect. I don't mean to stereo-type. I am from the south and get sick of the incest and idiot jokes that are not true, so maybe it is just the area he lives in. Like I said, no offense meant.
by the way, I saw this movie in the theatre if you can believe it. I was only like 12 years old but I remember the theatre being packed. So I don't remember that this movie was real succesful-parodies/low-brow comedies usually are not, but the theatre was packed.
Any one else see this in the theatre?


Yeah, I saw this move in the theatre. I was about 8 years old when it showed in the UK. Again, it was completely packed in the showing. I remember thinking it was absolutely awesome when seeing it for the first time. I rented it on VHS about 4 years later and remember thinking it sucked, but then watching it again in my late teens and really enjoying.Strange bloody film, but charming in its own way...


Wikipedia: Yahoo Serious has been more recently recognized for his work with the Melbourne Symphony orchestra, conducting and directing several successful self composed opera works such as 'SNAP' and 'The Tragedy of the Lone Ranger' and 'Ophelius Drake' for which he has won several ARIA music awards.


You can occasionally find him surfing still around popular beaches in Victoria and New South Wales here in Australia.
