Yahoo's humor

I find it simultaneously amusing and disturbing that Yahoo's movies are consistently torn apart by critics who cite what they call mindless slapstick humor, yet these same critics would be quick offer up praise for the comedy of the Three Stooges, which is actually even more mindless (but still funny in its way).

Did they enter the theater expecting Gone With the Wind? It's slapstick humor; grade it on what it is. Would you berate a pigeon for how little it resembles a horse? Of course not. Then why berate silly slapstick comedy because it's not epic in its scope or carrying some life-affirming message (which Yahoo's movies do, if you watch for it)? This is not Tolstoy; it's Yahoo Serious. Just laugh.

I consider it yet more evidence that film critics are several steps behind the rest, evolutionarily speaking.

"You came here in that? You're braver than I thought."


THANK YOU!!! I love this movie! I don't remember how I heard about it or how many times I have seen it since 88 but I LOOOVE the quirkiness of it. My husband just recorded it on DVR for me today and I started watching it, wondering if I would think it was as funny as I used to and I heartily laughed all the way through, again! I wish I knew more detail about the history of science because I know there must be many more great gems thrown into the movie that I haven't noticed yet (on the way to the assylum in the cart Einstein meets Rutherford who actually discovered how to split the atom...what a crack-up!). Sure Marie Curie is a single young scientist and Einstein "discovers" many other theories attibuted to other scientists but the tongue in cheek "history" that is created for this movie is what (I think) makes the movie so fun to watch! Like others under other Young Einstein posts I love the art direction, the acting, the comedic timing and the overall outrageousness of it all. Sure, people either "get it" or they don't but I think that when nearly any movie is watched for what it is there will be more appreciation for it. The more I see this movie the more details I notice and and the more I love it. When it comes to this movie, if you love dry, silly & intricate humor then you'll "get it".

Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... (Napoleon Dynamite)




Watching white moon face
The stars never feel anger
Blah, blah, blah, the end.


Yeah it is Rediculous and resembles that of the Marks Brothers. Good of you to make those comments. Cause i love Young Einstien. It gives me a break from all of this boring normal comedy. Sometimes I feel like being stupid and I watch this movie feeling smarter in the end knowing that Einstien was a complete goof. Thanks to Yahoo Serious I can Rat my hair and Say, WOW! and still pull chicks. If you ask me he is genial!


Your caps lock key seems to be stuck.

...p.s. Learning basic grammar, spelling and punctuation might help you provide an more intelligible argument.


If that's what they are saying, yes, it is pretty inconsistent of them.

And there are so many Hollywood movies that are packed with CGI and are boring otherwise. Yahoo's work aims at being silly and succeeds in that regards.


Yahoo Serious made a GREAT MOVIE, with this flick. I love it. I have long been a fan of Albert Einstein, what is often not noticed about this Great Scientist was his quirkiness and excellent sense of humour. I love how that sense of humour and quirky fun was captured in this movie. The soundtrack is also pretty awesome.

Also Yahoo Serious was cuter & hotter than anything in this wonderful movie. Does anyone remember "Einstein goes to America", (think that was the title?) I can't seem to find it on the movie boards.


"Young Einstein" Rocked the world. You can't argue with a $100 million gross. You can't, so shut up. The movie was awesome. It was surreal. It was beautiful and unique. It stands on it own merits as a celebration of music, love, self-determinism, and morality. It was a product of Yahoo Serious, and it was wonderful. No matter what he made later on. There is still this movie. Which among almost no other comedies has had a profound and positive affect on my life and who I became as an adult.


LOL, that is the most pathetic post i have ever read. How in the world did this affect on who you became as an adult, are you an unfunny writer, or an obnoxious carrot top wannabe?


I wasn't refering to the development and production of the film, I was refering to the story. The story was inspiring to me. The faith in being good, and right, and never quitting, no matter how many jerks try to sh!t on you.




100% truth.


The Three Stooges were actually quite subversive, and also a lot more creative and trademarkable with their style. There was an art to what they did, and it created a cult following that has lasted all of these years.

Young Einstein just made no sense. It wasn't about the slapstick or the silliness, just that it was completely nonsensical. That is why so few people like it.



WTF are you talking about?

"actually quite subversive, and also a lot more creative...and it created a cult following that has lasted all of these years"

You just described Yahoo Serious and THIS movie. Way to lose your own argument.


I dunno. I don't think that slamming your movie full of cheap shots and lame jokes (trust me - I've seen many a subversive comedy, from "Sunset Blvd." to "Annie Hall" to "Life of Brian") makes it immediately subversive.

It's painfully obvious that Yahoo is making a satire. The reason why most good satires work is that they're subtle in their delivery. Yahoo, on the other hand, is slamming you on the head with a frying pan, screaming out what he's satirizing and why he thinks he's so clever for satirizing that.

I know what he's satirizing in all three of his films:

Young Einstein - historically-incorrect biopics
Reckless Kelly - Hollywood's holier-than-thou attitude (or Hollywood in general)
Mr. Accident - corporations running the world; Capra-esque storytelling

All of those things have to be satirized. In a way, he's like Tim and Eric in that they all like to satirize "unimportant" topics. At the same time, he's more obvious than Tim and Eric. His intentions are spelled out by means of expository dialogue. His comedy feels more like a standard '90s comedy film than it does try to make itself consecrated from the rest of Hollywood. Yahoo is more like a Hollywood cash-in on Tim and Eric than an actual unique talent.

Tim and Eric are cohesive. Tim and Eric hide their intentions by means of sticking to formula filmmaking (while making fun of it). Tim and Eric make their own reality, where anything can happen (hello, Cinco!)

And same goes for Yahoo vs. Tom Green. Yahoo is painfully obvious in an obnoxious way. Tom Green pulls out every stop to make you laugh. Tom knows that satire isn't exactly a kid's favorite thing to watch, so he made a satire for older audiences. Older, sarcastic, Internet-savvy audiences. Yahoo made satire for the mainstream. Yahoo's doing it for the money. Heidecker, Wareheim, and Green all do it to make people laugh.

Also, granted that he filmed "Young Einstein" in terms of filming several short films over the course of three years rather than writing a cohesive script (with all of his satire intact), it doesn't help his case. He made all of those short films to earn more money for his short films. He calls it "innovative." I call it stupid because he's not in a Peter Jackson position where he has made a product so unique that people aren't willing to fund it, but that he's just made something way too run of the mill while promising many people that it will change the world forever.

I do wish the best of luck to Yahoo and his new movie, if he ever finishes it.


Wow aren't you a worthwhile conversationalist and compelling contributor to the topic. I'll bet you're a real hit at dinner parties.


Cool story bro.
