Rotten movie. Fantastic book!

I was sooooo disappointed in this movie! I'd been excited to watch it when I saw in the TV listings that it was being shown. I had not know they made a movie of it. (This was a long time ago)

I have loved the book since I was in 4th grade. It is a darling story with terrific characters, and a great plot. One of my favorite books as a kid.

But the movie was utterly horrid. The acting was no good at all, and the plot was changed waaaaay too much. I just ruined the story.

It was like how the movie Ella Enchanted was so wretchedly awful compared to the book, which was lovely.

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


I only read the book for the first time seven years ago and I was surprised by how many things in the book were missed out and changed in the movie. I guess they changed the ending to make it more action-packed, more "Hollywood". Still, I really like the film, it's a childhood favourite. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a new movie being made which remains more loyal to the book.



Never read the Ella Enchanted book, but I did immensely dislike the film, as it came across as a cheap spoof.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


I remember reading the book after seeing the movie. I thought the book was so wimpy compared to the scarier movie!


Just read the book and sorry to hear the movie is no good. Since "A Series of Unfortunate Events" was remade perhaps this one will be, too.
