
Actually I've been wondering this for awhile... I've only seen the English version, and since I was only a kid it didn't really matter to me *lol*. But was the English a dubbed version and the original was in French? It might seem like an obvious answer since it's produced by a French-Canadian company, but I've seen the making of the second film and some of the original actors were on it speaking fluent English and they didn't seem to have an accent. Not to mention the sequal I think was English. So, if anyone can clear up my confusion it'd be appreciated ^^;;


When I was a kid, I was thinking it was really a french movie (Les contes pour tous produced it) but it don't mean anything because "La championne" (The champion) is also from "Les contes pour tous" but was made in Romania.

So in reality, the movie "Les aventuriers du timbre perdu" was originaly made in english and dubbed in french (and other language) after.


Yeah, the French version is actually a horribly dubbed one, lol.

'I've learned that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead'


When i was a kid i thought it was a French movie (i am french)
I've seen it yesterday and discovered that
1) it was obviously dubbed in French, because the lip sinc is horrible, as in many kid movie, plus in china Ralph speaks english with the locals then suddenly they speak French, anyway, it's wierd.
2) not only is it dubbed in French, but it is in fact French canadian, which is... canadian. Very different from French. The funny accent, the phrases no one understand here...

so yeah, original in english, dubbed in canadian.


there is no such thing as "canadian" It's dudded in french! French is french no matter the accent! Like the USA and England!They both speak english!


Yes french is french but Canadian french and France "French" are quite Different. There are a lot of Canadian french "slang" words and phrases that only appear in Canadian french.

I've never seen a guy get picked up by his testicles before.-Del Griffith


It's not 'Canadian' it's 'Quebecquois'. I went to France when I was 12 and they thought I was making up some bizarro accent. It was a very enlightening experience.
