Lost in Translation

This movie is "Lost in Translation" before "Lost in Translation".


Ha! I hadn't realized; the male lead role plays the commercial director in Lost in Translation!


i think it's a little different than lost in translation. this movie is very much about the westernization of eastern culture. lost in translation wasn't so much, only because by that point, the globalization criticisms were obsolete - western culture took over the world.

Shoot me, Dragon!


I agree that a big part of Tokyo Pop deals with the westernization of eastern culture. BUT, in terms of feeling "lost in translation" & being confused by culture clash Tokyo Pop pulls it off a lot better than Lost In Translation.

Taxis that drive off as soon as you speak English, pervs on the train, pronouncing Sinatra as Sinatora, etc. Tokyo Pop did it first, and BETTER. Tokyo Pop also had many more examples of culture clash that Lost In Translation didn't touch upon. Like Harajuku fashion, popular Japanese music, love hotels, etc.

I love Lost In Translation, but Tokyo Pop is ultimately more fascinating & I wish more people knew it existed.


Have you also seen "Living on Tokyo Time"? A harder one to fine, but another touching one out of that period - was about a young American guy and a native Japanese woman who marry so she can stay in the country. Very 80s New York rock n' roll, so similar feel of Tokyo Pop.

Shoot me, Dragon!


Too bad people dont know about this movie.
Agreed with what is sad.
Tokyo Pop did it first and better.
And its a great movie overall, so underrated.


Ramen Girl seems a better sort of remake of this.
