Another Goof?

When the two slip out of the big meeting and hot-wire a car, they drive to a gas station. The station attendant reaches in and takes the car keys from the ignition when he discovers they do not have enough cash to pay for the gas. How could there be a key in the ignition if they hot-wired this car?


The old man found the key underneath the jesus statue while the Joe Mantegna character was trying to hot wire the car. The goof I didn't get was why the family in the other vehicle gave the old man the money and why they were so happy about it.


Thanks - I guess I missed that - or maybe my DVD was defective.


It looks like the man in the vehicle that gives him the money is the butler from the hotel, which would mean he gave him the money as gratitude for having taught him the "art of shoe shine" earlier. Another theory would be that the old man came clean and just explained the situation (in about 30 seconds...), the butler felt bad and gave him the money.


Yes, something or other was said, but left out of the movie. Anyway, it's a cool fun movie without many flaws like that one.

Susana Miranda, whatever happened to you?


You are right! It is the butler. But they don't explain what was said. From the awed looks on the faces of the three people, it must have ben some explanation. My guess is, th old man simply stated, "We need money to pay for the gas." He was always understated. The butler had lots of money on him, and gave it to the old man out of respect for his request (I am sure the hotel would reimburse him when he got back!) If memory serves me right, the two women were the hot tub companions from an earlier scene....

"When you throw dirt, you lose ground" --old proverb


I think those were the two girls (Cherry and Grace?) that invited Gino to go fishing at their cabin.




Man a lot of clueless people here.

They found the key. The car was never hotwired.

The jeep had the butler and the two showgirls in it. They gave him money obviously because of the goodwill he'd built with them. The whole movie is about that. It's about a simple, honorable man who gets out of terrible situations because people appreciate him and help him out.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."
