Some interesting quotes

"We didn't want him to tell us what he thought, we wanted him to tell us what we knew".
White haired cop

"It's just like time just stopped or something you know, didn't seem like any time past you know, just seems like it was like "boom", time stopped or whatever, like a "flash".
Harris describing the event

"I'm a salesman and you develop something like a total recall, and I don't forget places, things, streets because it's a habit or something I just picked up, I was driving a 1977 Cadillac".
3rd witness (murder was in 1976)

"I remember there was a car coming pretty fast up the road, didn't see me or something you know, was in one lane and came into the other lane, I was in that lane and it tried to stop and it went off the side of the road and I remember his car went off the side of the road, I'm just looking back you know, I remember that".
Harris (probably with no lights on)


Did they release cars the year before back then as they do now? I know people driving 2012 cars in 2011.


Makes sense then if true.


yeah, but here was plenty other stuff he got wrong

