MovieChat Forums > The Thin Blue Line (1988) Discussion > Info about Randall Adams after the film

Info about Randall Adams after the film

Rabbit InRed ib0pboenwpcte23bjtbrxu3bgtgae04
Yeah, he was released a year after this film was released. The evidence presented in the film had a lot to do with his conviction being overturned. He was actually first on death row. He was set to be executed twice but had last-minute stays. Interesting post-script to the film: After his release Randall Adams sued Errol Morris for the rights to Adams life story. Adams wanted to write a book and apparently Morris felt he owned the rights. But it was settled and Adams wrote a great book titled Adams V Texas. Also another oddity, Randall Adams married Jill Fratta, she is death-row inmate Robert Fratta's sister. Fratta's case has become well known over the years. I met Randall Adams around 2001 when he was speaking at various colleges. Such a nice, laid-back guy. Even after everything he had been through. Sadly, he died in 2010 of a brain tumor. But at least he was able to live out those 21 years as a free man. This shouldn't happen to anyone but it does happen more than we know.

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