MovieChat Forums > They Live (1988) Discussion > They Live They Said-Review-SPOILERS

They Live They Said-Review-SPOILERS

Everywhere they live, live as an ex wrestler, wrestling unemployment, unemployment ends and meets black guy,
black guy feeds him, him who is Roddy Piper, "pipe down" he says to a church, church is empty,
empties even more when police arrive, arrive to gun fire, their own, ownership of magic glasses, glasses
to see bad guys, guys guess who owns the glasses now, now ROddy owns glasses, gets glassed by scary woman,
woman is bad guy, guy runs away, away and away until meets black guy again, again and again they punch,
punch punch kick kick, kick off the illusion, illusion gone, gone now black guy wears glasses too, too long
humans subject to bad guys, guys make you OBEY, obey no longer, no longer consume, consume bad guys, bad
guys exposed, exposed tits. Fin.



Great synopsis...
