They = Jews

World Jewry will not ever allow a return to a simpler time. They are going to throw increasing levels of propaganda, war, chaos, distraction, and upheaval at us as time marches forward. A lot of people I talk to believe things are *beep* right now, that civilization has temporarily bottomed out, and that things can only get better in the future. But I try to warn them that the opposite is true. We are sliding towards the abyss. Things are going to get a whole lot worse, and we will one day looking back fondly on these current *beep* years as "the good old days".


I have no idea who that guy in the video is or what he has to do with this film, but I stopped watching about 30 seconds in, once he started defending feminists. That tells me with 100% certainty that nothing he says is worth listening to.


I have no idea who that guy in the video is or what he has to do with this film, but I stopped watching about 30 seconds in, once he started defending feminists. That tells me with 100% certainty that nothing he says is worth listening to.

Did we watch the same video?

At which point in the linked video was there a defense of feminists?


At ~1:16 he names feminists as a group, apparently with the connotations that they are fine and nothing is wrong with them.


At ~1:16 he names feminists as a group, apparently with the connotations that they are fine and nothing is wrong with them.

I only hear him mention feminists as one of the factions being pitted against another faction as part of the 'divide and conquer' strategy,

Not hearing anything that could reasonably lead you to believe that he is OK with feminists, or thinks nothing is wrong with them.


He is not defending Feminism.

here is a quote from him about Todays Western Women :
