Help? Spoiler...

I really have no idea what just went on this movie... Can someone help me out? This movie was insanely crazy...

All I know is this: There is a couple who went driving, hit some guy, they try to bury him but they have sex while letting him watch... Then the guy gets attacked by a lady with a mechanical hand, and he becomes mechanical as well killing his wife or something... He then gets attacked by another metal maniac and they attempt to take over the world... Am I at all on the right track?


That's the Story alright...
Sorta like Kafka if he wrote about machines instead of Bugs...
the story isn't as important as the imagery...
but you nailed it as good as anyone.



I saw the flick twice so let me have a go at it...

The story began when a metal-fetishist inserts a rusty steel bar into his skin and he becomes infected. The metal is a sort of virus which takes control of him.

While suffering from the agony of his affliction he is struck and knocked down by a dapper businessman and his wife. He is put in the trunk and taken away and left for dead. The businessman and the wife make love but find that the man they thought was dead was not.

The businessman finds, while shaving that he has metal growing out of his face.

Later he kills his wife while trying to make love to her as his penis becomes an imense power drill.

He is pursued by the man he left for dead as his body become transformed into a mass of metal. The other man feels his body rusting and needs to take over the other's body and use it for spare parts. The end result is a fight between the two.

In the end the metalic bodies of the two are conjoined and they become as one. They then go off in an attempt to turn the entire world into metal.

That is the story, but if you ask what was it really about?

I would say it is the dependency of modern man on technology and the merger of man and machine to such a degree where man actually turns to metal, thus a literal use of a metaphore.

The metal fetishist is a voluntary victim of the plague of industrialism which has overtaken modern society. The businessman is a lifelong benificiary of modern technology who then becomes infected with the disease and seeks in vain to stop its ravages on his own body.

In the end both men are merged and accept the dominance of the machine into their lives.
