MovieChat Forums > Tetsuo (1989) Discussion > aargh, new Tartan DVD sucks!!

aargh, new Tartan DVD sucks!!

I was really excited to see Tetsuo finally being reissued since the original DVD is crazily out of print... but when I finally got my paws on this new Tartan "collector's edition", I was very underwhelmed. Nice packaging, but the quality of the transfer blows... there are trails all over this thing, and the sound is all washed out. A friend of mine, who is more well versed in the lingo of film than I am, told me this is because it was probably transfered from a PAL source, so then the frames don't line up right... Don't quote me, but I think he said something like one frame of film gets cut out every second (note: this would explain some peoples' concern about the running time being just short of the VHS version). I've kept my VHS copy handy because, even though my VHS is getting a little old now, it actually looks and sounds much better than this DVD..... Hell, a friend of mine has a bootleg DVD that looks and sounds better than this Tartan DVD, AND it actually has bonus features and extended scenes, which the Tartan "collector's edition" DVD lacks entirely!! Aarargrhghgh.............

"They were just interested in hamburgers and food." -- Varg Vikernes


I also was ticked off that there were no special features! AARGH!!


Any other good DVD version of this film?, i was planning on buying the Tartan version but seems it sucks big time, and the lack of extras is also dissapointing. It should had an audio commentary with Tsukamoto, or at least a damn interview with him.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


yeah, tartan usually does this. Suicide club only had a stupid photo gallery. there was that creepy trailer though....


I was thinking of getting this DVD after I heard so much about the movie from a documentary on the evolution of futuristic/horror sci-fi films. The few clips of this movie that I've seen are visually stunning to say the least. Now I'm scrambling to find a good deal on the older print.


Umm, just wanted to correct my earlier commect about suicide club. I was thinking about the TLA release, not tartan. no one caught it either way.


I rented the Tartan DVD in blockbuster, is not that awful as i was thinking, but it's certainly far from the best transfer the movie could had. If you have never seen the film then it's not a bad choice, but for rent, for buy hardly.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


Special Features usually ruin the movie, half the time the director isn't even talking about the movie, and it's distracting. Sure, the DVD looks odd on computer, but you don't notice the lines on television display.


