MovieChat Forums > Tetsuo (1989) Discussion > People that find this movie

People that find this movie

I often tell people I have seen something so wierd and disturbing that I now have a higher understanding of the world because of it. I am of course, talking about Tetsuo. And they always ask, "well, what movie?". I always reply that if they find a japanese movie about 2 men that grow metal out of their bodies, they can see the movie.

It's entertaining to see if I peak anyone's interest enough to actually go and try to find it. Any strong christian might have a hard time with this movie unlike me who's been watching horror for a long time. The only reason I found this movie is because of a list of movies coming out 10 years ago on an old anime dvd.

I picture everyone who saw this movie to be like the guys in the matrix. You have found a crazy madman film that cannot be compared to any film because of it's essential imagery and simple Hell. This movie made me feel 30 different emotions in just 3 seconds. If you have found this, you are special.


The best way i can describe this movie is a more industrialized Eraserhead on crack. It is definitely something else and the musical score is also worth mentioning. Best use of stop motion but then again, big tangles of wires and cables devouring human skulls is my bread and butter.

Now it'd be nice if someone would re release Body Hammer.


I was thinking the same thing. Though it seems it tooka few hits of a speed rather than crack. I also agree the stop motion was unbelieveable. Must have taken forever to create all that. Has to be one of the most important films. Very inspiring.

"The concept of absurdity is something I'm arrracted to." -Sir David Lynch
