where should I go?

help what website or maybe store should I go to to find this movie and how much can I expect to pay?


you can get the Tartan Asia Extreme DVD for about $25 U.S.
I dont recomend it though. If you can look for the Tetsuo bootleg. Its got much better video quality, better sound, and deleted scenes. You can find that on ebay, and a lot of specialty shops carry it. Goes for about $17 U.S.
Tartan Site: http://www.tartanfilmsusa.com/pg_films_detail.asp?txtQuickSearch_FilmTitle=%7B32DA37BF-7FBD-4C43-99B8-CC3E0515863F%7D

We cant stop here, this is Bat Country!




your welcome :) gladi could help

We cant stop here, this is Bat Country!
