MovieChat Forums > A Summer Story (1988) Discussion > What a beautiful little movie!

What a beautiful little movie!

In case anybody is reading this and has not seen the movie, I won't give anything away. But I must say that this movie is just about perfectly done. Despite the theme of love, I would not call it a "chick flick", in that it does not strive to be emotional beyond the necessity of its subject. Additionally it's told from the perspective of a man (Mr. Ashton).

The production of the movie (e.g. scenery, acting, filming) are perfectly done without a hint of self-consciousness. Really, the story is what is important, and it's so beautiful and engrossing, that I felt I was experiencing it along with the characters. It brought me right there to that turn of the century little English farming village. Such an innocent and unassuming time that will never come back to us. The images of summer and summer love are so beautifully done, the two main characters are so young and empathetic, that one cannot help but want so much for them to be happy!

This love is between two people of very different backgrounds. At once, there is the clash of two different societies. One upper class and educated, the other lower class and simple. Throughout the story, there are the pressures by well-meaning friends on both sides to keep the two apart for their own good. None are villains as such; they only want what they feel is best. But the pressures are palpable and entirely realistic. Who is wrong or right?

Underlying the love story are fundamental questions. What do we owe to ourselves? What do we owe other people to whom we are important? Do we have the courage and will to act for what is right?



I saw this movie shortly after it came out with my wife and very young daughters and for some reason, the memory of it has lingered through the years. As far as I know, it has never been on TV and I got this urge to purchase the tape here in 2006. I just can't explain it, but it is magnetic! And this from a 60 year old man :) It would be interesting to read Mr.Ashton's mind after the conclusion. Just think, he would have been a widower with a small child living in London. Did he ultimately have regrets or did he rationalize his way out of this one? Of course, he may have gotten better medical care for his wife, which just might have changed the outcome. There I go, still hung up on this film!



*** Alert! There be spoilers about!!! ***

I saw this movie shortly after it came out with my wife and very young daughters and for some reason, the memory of it has lingered through the years. As far as I know, it has never been on TV and I got this urge to purchase the tape here in 2006. I just can't explain it, but it is magnetic! And this from a 60 year old man :) It would be interesting to read Mr.Ashton's mind after the conclusion. Just think, he would have been a widower with a small child living in London. Did he ultimately have regrets or did he rationalize his way out of this one? Of course, he may have gotten better medical care for his wife, which just might have changed the outcome. There I go, still hung up on this film!

Of course, Mr Ashton had regrets! Why else would he return to the little farming manor? He had taken Megan under the promise of love and marriage. He allowed the expectations of his own social circle + small reverses + his own cowardice to decide the fates of both her and himself. By contrast, she took him at his word, and waited for him, and she did not allow anything to stop her from traveling to find him.

Mr. Ashton returned to the farming manor because he wanted to believe that everything came out all right. The farm hand told him the truth, because he owed it to poor Megan that Mr. Ashton should not escape knowing the consequences of his broken promise. The outcome was not merely on account of the birth of the child; it was because Megan's heart and spirit was broken. By comparison, the consequence for Mr. Ashton of being stuck in an apparently loveless childless marriage was small potatoes.

I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and I am content


this is a great little movie. imogen stubbs is wonderful & has a beautiful smile



Mr. Ashton married his friend's sister because he was beholden to social convention and he did not have the courage to face the enormous responsibility of his promise to Megan.




Add my voice to those who think this is a sparkling little gem of a movie. Still haunts me decades later. Very poignant.



I think he's a villain. No one with a heart could let her walk away sooooo sad like that. Even the worst womanizing non-caring dudes would have at least stopped her to say SOMETHING.
