MovieChat Forums > Stormy Monday Discussion > Superbly made film + no story = well wor...

Superbly made film + no story = well worth watching!

Only six posts on this?!?!

This film is so stylishly made that it draws you in from the very start. The direction and cinematography is amazing. The actors are all good, especially thanks to Sting being limited to a very, very small role with a few tasty lines.

The music in this is as good as it can be in any film, and it is music wall-to-wall. They used an interesting technique where the film editing is independent of the music, and music that is score in one scene is subject in another. For example, in one scene, we see Sting playing on a standup bass in his deserted club in the daytime. He starts doodling with a few bits, then ends up playing something more involved. It isn't a great scene or even an important one, just one that shows the character, then it ends, but the solo music he got involved with keeps playing, and carries on into the next scene, which is totally unrelated, but that music carried over from the previous scene becomes a fitting score for this one. That is a monumental moment in cinema when a film can invent and pull off something like that.

The problem working here is that there is no decent, good, sensible, interesting, or even slightly logical story here. You could watch this movie for the first 45 minutes and have no idea what the story is, or even if there is going to be a story employed here, or you can be like me and not even care because this movie is so enthralling to look at and listen to.

The story is a big zero, and the many components and sub-plots are also nothing. Worse, nothing makes sense or has any context. There is another post here by garyahampton that details this so well that I needn't go into it.

It is a shame that this master director and cinematographer were not able to apply their craft to a story. There isn't one here.

Few pictures have music/sound to match amazing cinematography, this one does. Watch it just for that if you care about those things. It will lift you up.


Great review! I completely agree. I recently watched this film and didn't really understand the plot either, but I still enjoyed it. Great music and acting.
