Touching scene

I think one of the most touching scenes in the movie was when Jourdain asked Eloise if she would marry him. You can just tell how much he has always loved her. Also, I love the scene at the end when Eloise sees her son again as a man. Those two scenes make me cry!


I agree! this is a very poignant film.


And then the film all serious has Heloise telling him how great a friend he's been to her, which is quite ridiculous, because it is in his interest to do friendly deeds: he needs her for his happiness (it isn't altruistic help) and idolizes her beau (thus, by helping Heloise, he is getting closer to Abelard and hence to his own idea of an ideal man, plus by helping Abelard's lover he is getting on Abelard's good side, which might relieve him of Abelard's possible resentment in case Heloise goes against Abelard's wishes of becoming a nun and agrees to marry Jourdain). And you found his proposing to her "most touching". Oh, boy... I found the sorry sod, well, tragic and pathetically sad. But — "touching"? That is just one of the scenes the film tries to offer as touching. Another two were the one in which Heloise's reaction upon hearing that Abelard's been castrated is shrill screaming (it's the wrong reaction, it portrays her as someone who's not thinking enough of both of them in that moment, but more of herself; she should've just been in silent shock or should've yelled: "No, no no no..." or something to similar effect) and the other one is when she writhes on the ground in public place after first visiting the castrated Abelard (as grave as it is, the tragedy is not grave to that extent; at least they've had a child, so it is not more than intercourse that both of them will be missing in the relationship at that point, and he doesn't even regret his castration all that extremely, for the act has strengthened his faith in God, which is the most, or second most important thing in his life – thus it is she who will miss intercourse the most, and therefore her extreme reaction comes off as a tad self-important). None of these three scenes worked for me. I either scoffed or laughed at the screenwriter's and director's lack of insight.

no i am db
