A true masterpiece!

This film is truly one of the most fascinating cinematic experiences I’ve ever experienced. Its is so unique in its style and the way the story unfolds. It manages to balance both comedy and drama in a way few films have, before and after. The story makes you laugh in on scene, and completely creepes you out in the next, in unconventional ways. This story takes some very dark roads, very dark. With an ending that is so surprising, so original, yet so simple and easy. Its easily one of the best films I have seen in a very, very long time. No wonder why Stanley Kubrick thought The Vanishing was the most terrifying film he had ever seen. Watching this film equals three years in film school. A true masterpiece.

There are a lot of negative comments on IMDB, saying this film “does not deserve a high rating” and “it’s a LAME movie”. I could only attribute this to the fact that most movies nowadays are so conventional, and plain clones of each other. People are brainwashed into thinking movies should follow certain rules, and be made a certain way, or else its not good. Todays audience are so corrupted by modern blockbusters that they don’t know what to think or feel when something original like this comes along. Of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but if your opinion of The vanishing is that it is a boring, lame movie, I just can’t take your seriously.
