Spellcaster Ruuuules

So bad, it's good. Thanks to Showtime for showing it.


i just watched it on show time to before




Did everyone just see this?

The marriage was built to last.
But, their house was built TOO SMALL!

"This is NOT awesome!"


Hahaha yeah, I think so.
I saw this movie when I was like 12, more than 10 years ago (!!), and catching it on Showtime recently made me all nostalgic : )


Hey, I noticed Spellcaster is coming on cable tonight, uncut, and I'm wondering if I should record it? Is there any gore or horror to it? The plot on this page seems vague! I hear there are a lotta 'shower scenes' though!! haha -



I did, I got it on tape! Why the hell not? Better than buying it off ebay!

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."



"Am I the only one who thinks this should be released on DVD?" - You could be - and including most Hollywood studios? Prolly yes! ;-)


This movie was good for a laugh. It's a good nostalgic throwback to a better time. Plus the french girl was hotter than one of Keith Richard's UT's.

Smoke crack and worship satan. Ewe Boll is superior.


I'm getting all these Spell movies mixed up - was this the one where they all won a contest to go to some castle in Italy and strange things start to occur? If so, I remember the French girl - but what is Keith Richard's 'UT'?! ;)


You are descriding the same film. A "UT" is a urine test (for drugs). Therefore since Keith Richards has done more drugs than anyone alive, you can see what I mean.

Smoke crack and worship satan. Ewe Boll is superior.


Ok, I get it - but considering Keith Richards has probably never had to take a UT, since those are reserved for those on probation/parole or for a certain job, his rock God status exempts him from having to pee in a cup! Lol -

And don't forget Linnea Quigley, gettin' dirty too!
Oops, she wasn't in this, but she was in a similar one that I was getting her confused with Spellcaster, called
Witchtrap (1989) .... as Ginger Kowolski
ABout as 'good' as Spellcaster, and that's not sayin' much.

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths.."


Quigley is a horror goddess. I love these cheezy horror films. the straight to video crap is the best.

Smoke crack and worship satan. Ewe Boll is superior.


I wish Showtime would air it so I can watch it again. It was cheesy but I enjoyed it alot

"This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence"


not really.

its just BAD.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


this movie does rule. I'm watching it right now on netflix. I love to watch these kinds of movies from time to time.


Whoa, I started this post in 2007, and forgot about it til I watched Spellcaster again yesterday (yay Netflix!)
I will reiterate: spellcaster ruuuuuules!
People-eating chairs & evil Adam Ant, come on!
