
Ripped off Wicker Man.
Pretty slow to take off.
Lead man was an idiot through and through.
I laughed hysterically when I saw his little wind-up car got scorched.
Wondered how those satanists could ever keep the surfer, stoners, and hippies away from that cave entrance.
And how did satan powdered nerds have the power to break into a bunker when they need about two dozen to bend and than break a guy's windows?
Of their special powers, it seemed like they could stack stuff, lift a car that seems to weigh twenty pounds, break some windows, and torch a car. What damn powers were they gaining from killing people??

I want to say more..but..meh


This would be the perfect kind of film that you could watch on USA UP ALL NIGHT or on Monster Vision due to how low grade of a film it was. That is the kind of movies that I love to watch though.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


hey dooshes, add 'in my opinion' before spewing stupid opinions. thank you. youre welcom


We are allowed to speak our opinions. That is why it is a discussion board.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!



So we don’t know how to spell “douche,” nor do we care. Welcome to the Ignorance Department.


"two dozen to bend and than break a guy's windows? "

Breaking windows is something only 1 witch is needed to do. Bending windows on the other hand is a different story, it requires transfiguration to turn the windows into a different kind of material for a short period of time... thats not so easy. Jesus Christ could turn water into wine, but he had divine power on his side.

"What damn powers were they gaining from killing people?"

God knows whether the things these cultists do gain favor with 'dark gods' or not. From what we see in the film, their ritual doesn't do anything immediately obvious that proves or disproves the existence of gods.

There might not even be any dark gods, or any gods at all. Jesus might have just been a unusually powerful warlock or the story might be a lie perpetuated through the ages.

But anyway, that's not the point of the film. I like the fact they left that ambiguous.


Good points about the satanist's keeping stoners, surfers, and hippies out of the cave. The lead was kind of oblivious, possibly blinded by love. The lead in the original Wicker Man was also kind of like that. So was Mia Farrow's character in Rosemary's Baby. All in all, I still enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I give it a 7 or 8.


You realize that “‘s” is a possessive and not a plural form, right? I know you don’t. I’m just castigating you.


I disagree with your opinion. i do agree with Rob Base. as far as VirginOnPromNight --- Since this is a board on films other than who is in it and how much is made, every other comment is an opinion. also it appears you are the douche (as opposed to your dooch) for making such a negative ignorant post.


Yeah, and what was really the bummer is when the lead man's buddy, Derek, turns out to be a member of that satanist group. It just goes to show you that you can't trust anybody!


This movie had the worst ending I have ever seen in a movie.


I agree with poto3. I kind of saw where they were headed with the ending but I was hoping it wasn't the case but sure enough it was. The movie itself was alright but the ending ruined it.

Moral of the story: Don't trust mysterious women!

Long live the 70s!


I thought this was an excellent film.
