Does this have a twist?

I'll watch it if it does!


Six years too late so sorry, but the twist is quite small and comes in the middle.


Too bad you aren't around. Actually , there are twists throughout the movie. There's even a little twist right form the start!


Yes but if you're familiar with character actors, you'll guess it almost immediately.
As soon as I heard the suspect's voice in the opening standoff, and they showed a particular actor being a part of the hiking group, I knew right away they were the villain. I did hope for a bit that maybe they were gonna do a switcharoo and make it someone else. But no.
It's predictable and the only real gripe I have with the movie. Otherwise, it's good. 7/10.


To be fair. There's several character actors in the movie who play villains. If you recognised them all it made it a pretty good "twist".


the voice was disguised so i don't understand how you people are saying you knew it was Clancy Brown,
also if you look at the kidnapper's hands, which are in full view, they are the hands of a fat man,
so i was most definitely looking at Richard Masur as being the villain because Clancy was still in good shape at this stage in his career


No. It has an olive.
