MovieChat Forums > Scrooged (1988) Discussion > I loath this movie...

I loath this movie...

I'm in the minority... and I don't care. I'm a sap for mushy Christmas / rom-coms but this movie just doesn't work for me.

1. The Claire / Frank relationship

He's already a selfish douche when he first meets Claire. I cannot picture any universe where this sweet, cute girl would find this guy endearing or appealing. Nor do I believe she would take him on as a 'project'.

2. Bill Murray is noticeably uncomfortable around Karen Allen

Perhaps related to 1. above, but my impression is that Murray himself just isn't into this aspect of the role. There is zero warmth or chemistry between them.

Want proof? Watch that cringe-worthy final kiss or two that Murray delivers during the final scene. His lips are practically sewn shut and stretched out like a chimpanzee, like he doesn't want to get anymore intimate than he has to for the scene.

3. Frank Cross' final 'conversion' speech is totally unconvincing.

Bill Murray is best at cynical, self-absorbed schtick. Most of that final speech is delivered in that same 'Bill Murray' style. I don't know if it's the writing, or simply that Bill Murray is not a good dramatic actor when a little humility and drama is called for (brief appearance of a tear in his left eye notwithstanding).

Lines like "do this or you'll burn in hell, I guarantee it" suggest his conversion has less to do with genuine humanity and more to do with saving-his-ass. This is reinforced by his wipe-of-the-forehead-whew-dodged-a-bullet thing when he's looking up at the ghosts in the studio rafters.

This entire speech is also undone by his 'breaking the wall' thing and reverting back to 'Bill Murray' mode. It's amusing, but doesn't fit well at this point in the movie where we're supposed to be feeling a warm glow.
(Also, watch the out-of-focus crowd behind them. Most of them aren't singing, some look bored...)

My wife makes me watch this dreck every year and I hate it. Thanks for letting me vent... bash away...


I just read the link to the original Roger Ebert review of this movie that someone here posted and I gotta say that it pretty much summarizes how I feel about this movie.


This entire speech is also undone by his 'breaking the wall' thing and reverting back to 'Bill Murray' mode. It's amusing, but doesn't fit well at this point in the movie where we're supposed to be feeling a warm glow.

I guess you forgot the part in his speech where he points out Christmas Eve is supposed to be a time for having fun.


No bashing from me. I happen to enjoy Scrooged, but your points are well made.


I like it but not for a second did I buy Murray's transformation at the end.He came across as if he was on coke and just as self absorbed as he was throughout.He interrupts the show for his self so he can babble on about how much he's changed etc.There was nothing genuine about it.It's just a comedy version not to be taken seriously but I find the climax cringeworthy and annoying.

- - -
Fill your hand you son of a bitch!


I have been watching this film for 25 years. I love it but you make some very intelligent points. I would say you are largely right but after all this time, I just watch uncritically.


You mean loathe. Loathe and loath (or loth) are different words. And you're a cynic.


Yes, thanks for the correction -- said cynic free.

I first saw this movie during its original release and, at the time, I liked it. But over the years as I watched it again and again, its flaws started to stand out to the point where I actively hated it.

I do have a cynical streak which I try to treat with regular doses of mushy movies but this one isn't one of them.


Agreed OP.


1. The Claire / Frank relationship

He's already a selfish douche when he first meets Claire. I cannot picture any universe where this sweet, cute girl would find this guy endearing or appealing. Nor do I believe she would take him on as a 'project'.

How was he a selfish d**** back then? To me, he came across as a nice guy who didn't become a selfish d**** until around the time he became the star of that kids' TV show.


It's not a good film.
It was by far the worst Bill Murray performance I've ever seen. And I like the guy.
Groundhog Day was a much better film with essentially the same theme.

Her chin blocked the first day of May.


Thank you! I hate it too. I used to watch it all the time as a kid (Christmas or not) and loved it. Now it just annoys me a lot. I hate Bill Murray in it. I hate the bit at the end where he has free range to walk around like an annoying dick live on TV. I can't get on his side, he just makes me cringe. I think the design of the movie is brilliant particularly the mouse and golfball bit. The writing is very good too. I Love Grace and her son who doesn't talk. I love Murray but I think he's bad in this. He doesn't sell the good will part at all

At the end of Christmas Carol you should feel the giddy joy of Alastair Sim or feel like dancing with the Muppets. Not cringe at a dick spouting nonsense to crap grinning extras. Plus Claire (Karen Allen) deserves better.

(I appreciate the rant-ness of this but if your family makes you watch it every year it begins to get on your nerves. Thank you for not letting me be the only one)
