What's up with this?

I was wondering if anyone knows if this may be released sometime in the states? After 3 years now, and still no word, it seems doubtful. And if they've seen it, if it's any good (i.e. compared to the book)?
Seems to have a decent cast (if not a little older than they should be), I'd like to see it sometime.


I know!!! I've been trying to find a copy of this anywhere I can. John Neville sounds like a great choice (though you're right, maybe a little old), and I'm really interested to see Crispin Glover as Raskolnikov.
But I'm wondering; if it were that good, they would already have released it. I'm wondering how a director could convincingly carry Dostoievsky's very personal psychological drama to the screen though.
I'm guessing they didn't succeed.


Mr. Murph Dog,
I played a bit part in this movie. It was filmed back in 1994 in Moscow. I was one of Raskolnikov's friends and Crispen Glover wore my coat in the film since it looked like something that a Russian student would wear. My line was "life is *beep* which I said to Crispen. Funnily enough, I never saw the movie, since I missed the cast party. I looked for the movie for years afterwards and was surprised to see that it was finally released. If you do find the thing, I would like to see the only movie I was ever in.


Thanks for your story, "rider"!
Interesting one, too...

Those who haven't seen it and wish to purchase it can also look up the french website whose name i don't remember, "priceminister" or something, they have a lot of copies of it there for under a euro... sometimes in the only-french version though, be careful.


I was wondering if anyone knows if this may be released sometime in the states? After 3 years now, and still no word, it seems doubtful.
At this point in time, it's much more than just doubtful. Crime and Punishment had to take a back seat to 2004's far more important cinematic works, such as Soul Plane, You Got Served, Baby Geniuses 2, and Fahrenheit 9/11.


Could they possibly have done such a - forgive me for saying it - such a NOVEL, well on screen? I mean that in the best possible way. Crime and Punishment is a psychological drama, no way that could have possibly translated to the Silver Screen...


Um, Fahrenheit 9/11 was a good movie. You must be conservative. But yeah on the other three. They were crap.

The Godfather Part II:Greatest Ever



Looks like it's been released in Germany, and I found it on Amazon.de on DVD. It does have and English track (2.0 stereo only, though). That's about it. Don't have a code-free player yet, though, but maybe when i get one I'll pick this up just for kicks.


There's a UK version. It's listed as Region 0 on Amazon.co.uk. If you can play PAL format you should be able to watch it. It was released there in February of '05 so there is still a chance that it will make it over here soon.



I read the book, great psychological drama and my favourite character ever, svidrigajylov, I guess I spelled it wrong, but I am Italian, sorry.

The movie obviously doesn't reach the depth of the book. But still Glover was one good choice, playing the fragile and agitated Radion few would have done better.

Why doesn't this movie get access to the market (at least in the usa) is a good question, maybe american public doesn't like russian literature? The movie is still a very good psychological crime story. It is probable that someone who considered sacred the work of Dostoevski didn't let it pass. Lol.
Anyway if you have the chance to see it, watch it, it's not bad.


This is available at www.amazon.co.uk. I have it but have not yet seen it. I think you need a multi-region DVD player in order to see it, but one is easy to acquire at a popular online auction site for less than $200, and there are plenty of other movies that you can use it for. Most of the films I've wanted to see but that weren't available in U.S. DVD are just sitting there at www.amazon.co.uk. Some DVDs are cheaper there than they are here, including the shipping, especially for certain box sets, so that's another reason to have a multi-region DVD player.

My first DVD player was a multi-region one that I bought on a popular online auction site, and my second DVD player was a DVD recorder, and I have to say that having both of these things is definitely the way to go. My multi-region DVD player is made by a company called Akai, but I believe they have gotten out of the business, but I also think Pioneer or Phillips or some company like that currently makes them.

DVD players that don't record and don't play non-American DVDs are a waste of money, because they don't cost that much less but are much less useful.
