I Just Got This!!!

and i love it i never buy films from the 80s but this movie is better then todays action films, the Actors and the director of of this film have made something incredibale.



I have not seen this film for some years now and i managed to see it last night on the telly. They certainly do not make films like this anymore - action, homour and some cheese and you have a winning formula. What has happened to these type of "no brainer" action films??? I remember the good old days with Arnie, Sly and Willis.


Holy crap all 80's and early 90's Action films are superior to the CGI filled pretty boy action flicks of today.


yeah,those were movies.I think the very last good action i saw was Face Off


I'da said Lethal Weapon 4 :D


You never buy films from the 80's and like this more then current action films? Well of course you do, action films from the 80's and 90's kick the asses off *beep* action films of today. You sir are missing out big time look into more films from the 80's, 90's etc not just action films.


Yeah man, 80's and 90's film's were the best.


So you've probably never seen Die Hard, OP? If you haven't you're missing THE single greatest action film ever made.

"Candy CANES?? Are you mocking me?" - Dr. Gregory House


^^That's true, it arguably is but Red Heat is great as well. You got Arnie, Belushi, Frank Barone, Morpheus & Gina Gershon!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Watching this Movie as i type, and im suprised how well it stod the test of time. I really like it, who would have thought.


I just watched this movie for the first time in many years. I actually like it better now than
I did in the 80s. Funny how a formulaic, B Minus level Walter Hill movie........looks pretty damn good compared to most modern action movies! It's well crafted, fun to watch, and made by humans and not computers. Plus you always have at least SOME idea of what's going on; you can see and follow the action because they don't make 84,000 cuts a minute.

We didn't know how good we had it back when these types of movies were made by capable, experienced, talented directors instead of guys fresh out of film school.

Where are the action stars and directors of today?


Ah, the price of PC run rampant.

In the PC (Political Correctness) climate of the current times, movies like those are no longer made. (Unless they involve vampires, zombies, and the like.)
And many seasoned comedians no longer go to college campuses to perform. Blame that on PC too, where nothing is funny any more, just horribly insensitive (at least).

Just a few examples:

movie SHORT CIRCUIT - joke about the three religious men and throwing money up in the air.
--- mocks religion(s)

movie FLASHDANCE - joke about the Polish terrorist who attempted to blow up a car, and burned his lips on the exhaust pipe (told by a Polish comedian)
--- national origin stereotype, racist

Well, there was one in FLASHDANCE that might be OK...
told by the same comedian:
Hey, give me a break. I'm just getting a shot here, trying to be funny. I'm the cook here, and if you don't laugh at my jokes, I'll put cockroaches in your hamburgers!

===> Or maybe not... meat eating, tampering with food, ruining the reputation of the business's food, health department surprise inspection (where would he get cockroaches?)

Maybe nothing is funny, violence is horrible, and guns... Oh my.
(Lions and tigers and bears, oh my.)

On second thought, there may be just one target remaining...

Movie BORN YESTERDAY(1993) - The only time anyone in Washington will admit they don't know something is when they are being indicted...
(I have no recollection of that...)

