Keanu's best acting scene

For anyone who has seen this movie, to me the most heartbreaking scene in this movie is believe it or not w/ Keanu Reeves. This is before he got type cast as the dumb surfer type. It's the scene when he's been drinking and he's obviously upset and emotional by his friends suicide and does a stupid thing and decides to drive, he almost runs over the brother of his best friend. The boys father runs out and starts yelling at Keanu about what he did and Keanu just looses it and starts hugging the father and sobbing uncontrollably saying he should have known that his friend was gonna kill himself "I should have known" (just typing this is making me cry). Oh my God what a scene. This movie deserved far more attention then what it got. I think it depicted teenagers and how they deal with a friends suicide in a realistic way. And the song at the end Lucky Star is beautiful as well. Great movie.



That is a very intense scene. I never had to deal with teenage suicide, thank God. From what I've read, this film nails many of the emotions. Grief, loss, depression and anger.

I've always liked this movie.

Don't be a luddy-duddy! Don't be a mooncalf! Don't be a jabbernowl!


I completely agree with you, Christopher Pike. One thing I never understood though, was why it never got the recognition it deserved when it first came out in theaters. I wonder if it had been made now, exactly the same way it was, if it would have been taken more seriously? Maybe even voted one of the years must see films. Ya know what I mean? All I know is I've never been through a friends suicide, (thank God) but like you said Chris, the emotions that were captured in this film were nailed by the actors. And if anyone ever doubted Keanu's acting ability they should watch this movie, particularly that scene.



Cool, I didn't know that.



This film is one of those hidden gems - I first saw it totally by chance on TV about ten years or so ago - and, having seen Bill and Ted before I saw this, I was thinking it would be awful (oh yeah, Keanu doing another guitar-wannabe, how many times will he say "dude" or awesome!" in a sentence?), but it was a truly good film. It took all of the teenage angst and sense of needing to rail against the world when something like that happens and treated it without the saccharine twist of things like The Breakfast Club.

Permanent Record is never going to be your first choice viewing on a friday night - it's way too dark and lacks the usual "make it all better in the last act" Hollywood touch to be a mainstream hit, but as a character piece (not to mention a way to show that Keanu *can* act when heputs his mind to it), it is up there with the best of them. When I was at school, in my final year, I had three kids in my year die - one had his car run off the road and off of a bridge by a drunk driver, another died of cancer and the third had a heridtary heart condition and died of a coronary as he walked out of the school gate. Whilst none of them committed suicide, the fact is that at 18 you usually feel like you'll live forever and that nothing can stop you. Events like that change that view pretty quickly and the sense of your own mortality, combined with grief, shock and a hormone-driven desire to live life to the full can lead you to do stupid things, such as Keanu's character did. I'd say that this film is blessed with a good script, some sympathetic direction and a cast that simply got it right. I don't think Keanu has acted better - sure, he's made some good films, but this was the right role at the right time and he nailed it. I have recommended this film to everyone I know and pray it gets shown once in a while, as I'd like to share it with them...



Wow. That sounds heavy and emotionally intense. And yes, Keanu is a good actor, unlike what most people been saying. I'd like to see this movie someday. It sounds very good and thought-provoking.


I am watching it now and came to this site to see if anyone else spoke about that scene. It is powerful and sad. I love this movie. SO GLAD it came out on DVD.


Read Roger Ebert's review, he agrees with you.

I'm the saddle.


