MovieChat Forums > Out of Rosenheim (1988) Discussion > Out of Rosenheim & Terminator 3?

Out of Rosenheim & Terminator 3?

How come Terminator 3 is listed here as a recommendation? I really don't see any connection. Is this supposed to be a joke or what?


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i cannot believe that i knew this--immediately, in fact--: InterMedia, the German film production company that is doing the new Alexander the Great flick, was all up in "Terminator 3" years after pitching in for "Out of Rosenheim". Which is why i stumbled across your post: i spent years of my youth in Rosenheim and had a hankerin' to hear that particular accent again. As well as watch a fine film.


CCH Pounder is in both movies - could that be why it's coming up as a recommendation?


Good one! I didnt catch that.


I totally missed that. Got to go watch Terminator 3 again to see her. She's been a favorite ever since Bagdad Cafe.
