Cougar Fight

I'm super curious how the director filmed the cougar/bear fight. At first I thought it was special effects, but then I realized that the movie was filmed in 80's so the special effects would not have been advanced enough to "fake" the fight.

But how did he do it then? Did he use a real cougar and then just hope they were trained enough not to kill each other? What about the one swipe the left the bear bloody? Cleary this bothers me so any thoughts or info would be great!!

Thanks :)


Please that 'jam' for blood is not real. Now I know this was in the 80's but even back then, we were capable of making blood look like actual blood. That is how it bothers me. As to the cougar fight, here ya go ...

The cougar, Youk (it's Youk on the log, not Douce. There are in fact, 6 cubs used but Youk is the main one. There are also a few electronic puppets that stood in for a few seconds. Ergo your swipe of blood-jam.) & several humans all shared the same space in the water. This after they made a line of rocks in the river for the cougar to stand on & so that Youk's log would stop going down stream.

Furthermore, a rope was put across the river & it was a good thing to since EXACTLY the moment when the scene was finished being filmed, one man lost his footing & went under, camera to. Others tried to rescue him & also got dragged down. No one was seriously hurt in the end & though three or four cameras & a role of actual film went under, they managed to save everyone & everything. (So, I take it the equipment was waterproof...yet they can't get blood color right. Hmm ...)

Also, the hive had about 900,000 bees which ended up driving all the bears & half the humans away LOL

Bart & Youk share the same space as well. Bart was given a cub-size teddy to play with & then introduced to the real thing. He was very happy & the pair got along great.

All animal sounds are original, even Youk & Douce voices. Young bears have a different pitch from older ones; however, the sounds are NOT part of the main scenes. The movie was filmed in poor quality sound & the animals were lined up to a microphone to make the sounds again which were then placed accordingly into the final scenes.

Get the DVD version & watch the behind the scenes et al stuff.

(Thewlis)SHOOT ME!
