MovieChat Forums > A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988) Discussion > Am i the only person who loves this movi...

Am i the only person who loves this movie

It seems like everyone is so down on this film. I personally think it is a great coming of age story. The Jimmy Reardon character seems so alive to me. I dont know what it is exactly about this movie that i like so much though. I agree it is kind of boring at parts, but it just has such a charming quality that i cant resist. I mean the music seems to fit, and the way it is filmed you really feel like its the 1960's.


I always tell people that Fight Club is my favorite movie... but in reality this is, and always will be my favorite movie.


Yeah, you are not alone. I love this movie! Sure, it does get a little boring, but some parts are just hysterical! And it's not the best River Phoenix movie, but it's pretty good. I don't know what I like about it either, maybe it's just the presence of River that I like. I'm a "Phoenix Fan" by the way, and if you haven't really checked out some of his other movies and want to see how good he really is, go watch Stand By Me, Running On Empty, or My Own Private Idaho. He's great in Jimmy Reardon, but he definitely shows his real talent in those three movies. But in the end, Jimmy Reardon is a pretty good film.

"Not if I see you first."
-Christopher Chambers, Stand By Me


this movie rocks! and it is funny as well as a lil bit sad, most peple say its one of his worst movies but i really enjoy it



this movie helped shape my life


Really? How? (sorry if I'm being nosy, as it really is known of my business, but I'm just curious).

"I use to tell people I wanted to change the world, and they thought 'this kid's really weird!'"


The protagonist reminds me of Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye)


I thought this was a pretty good movie, entertaining and not to be taken too seriously. The weakest part seemed to be at the big dance, with Reardon pursuing his girl. It's probably River Phoenix's good acting and attractive screen personality that really make the film enjoyable. With a lesser star, would we like it as much?


I heart it too! I don't get why people hate it! It's so funny, and a lot better than stuff that's out at the moment! It's different, and really good! you mean a lesser star..or a lesser actor?

'Watch out for the little sluggy man!'...'Be carefu--!'...'NOOOOO!' Joaquinian


I think even with an equally good actor, we'd need someone with a special personality, a unique charisma or 'star quality' like River Phoenix had.


i loved it! it was enticing to look at ... i lovee the whole jack the ripper role pay shtick... made me crack up! it was great!


It let me astonished

at that time, mainly cause I felt to be like the protagonist, facing my young love affairs with the same poetic and fashionable attitude
(that's not changed anyway :) )

I was 17een

but I still love the movie for several reasons as you do


I love this movie. I was surprised as all heck when I recently saw it On Demand. I was 15 when I saw this movie. I idolized River Phoenix back then. I wore my hair like him, dressed like him. If you looked anything at all like River Phoenix, you got the ladies.

By no means his best work, I think Running on Empty, Private Idaho or Little Nikita would easily fits that role. But this movie is funny and quirky. It meant a lot to this 15 year old.

RIP River.

I'm just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity....BD


Loved it...
I grew up in Evanston and the northside of Chicago..The places used in this movie are real and most still exist today.,, Sound track rocks!!!
And these are great shots of River(rip) he has never been replaced!


I've seen this movie probably over 50 times and I still dig it completely..I'm not embarrassed, its in my DVD collection in plain sight. The wardrobe, set decoration, soundtrack and attention to detail is awesome.

I personally find it highly entertaining. River and his co-stars are adorable and fun to watch....isn't that what movies are all about?
