I seriously love this movie!

I don't understand why people always say this is one of their least favorite River Phoenix movies. I think it's an adorable cheesy teen flick. Plus, River looks mighty delicious I might add. =]


Well, you'd think a teenage sex comedy starring River Phoenix would be like the best movie ever, but somehow this just wasn't. I'm not really sure why, maybe because it didn't really have any likable characters. There wasn't anyone to root for, and there wasn't any real heart in the movie. It just felt kind of flat. It's not a terrible movie though, it's just River's pretty unlikable in it which is probably why a lot of people say it's one of their least favorite movies of his. He does look cute in this movie, but he looks really young. This movie came out when I was 9, and River looked grown to me then but looking at this movie now, he looks like a child! So it's kind of weird to think of him being "delicious" in this movie at this point.
