MovieChat Forums > A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988) Discussion > what's the difference between the 2 vers...

what's the difference between the 2 versions

can someone tell me what the difference is between the william richert version and the studio version of the movie?





theres a review of the directors version on the a.v club and he gives it the thumbs up so it look likes worth checking out


That's interesting, it makes me want to check it out. The movie did seem weird somehow, and if they reworked what was meant to be somewhat more serious into a teen sex flick, it makes sense. River was far too serious for the latter.


I own whats supposedly the Richert approved version of "Arent You Even Gonna Kiss Me Goodbye". The narroration is changed(Richert instead of Phoenix) and the music is abit different even has River Phoenix singing a song over the closing credits. The only major scene thats been changed is when Jimmy goes to the dance at the country club then leaves with his debutante friend and somehow they end up somewhere in the seedy side of the city, she ends up missing for a short period of time and Jimmy goes searching for her-- going into bars and encountering strange streetfolk. This serves as the basis of his poem that he recites when they return to the country club, but even without the scene in its original version, the film still works reguardless. Also, the cut footage is sloppily edited into the film on the version I have and it hasnt even been remastered or anything so it looks like all they did was put the stock footage into the finished film just to get interested fans to buy it.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


You know, that version with richert narrating has always been the version released in the UK. I hate that version, he sounds like a boring old grandfather, and it is impossible to imagine that a character as cool as the one Phoenix plays could grow up to sound like that sappy old guy. plus the alternative soundtrack ruined the film. That sad and soppy song played over the end credits was such a downer. The movie works best with it's original score as well. however i would like to see that cut scene...


Its good to watch but once. The acting in the deleted scene is kind of bad and awkward, and it dosent quite match the pacing of the rest of the film either, theres a good reason why it wasnt included and remains largely unseen.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."
