WORRY: no one likes Jimmy Reardon!

And may I ask why?

I found the movie to be EXCELLENT: and this was the Paramount Pictures/Island Pictures release.
It's a movie that you have to analyze a bit, but it's very, very good. River is absolutely AMAZING in this film! It's kind of nice to see him play this type of character for a change.

Perhaps this is why the film is so hated? River doesn't play the lost little boy role (not that I don't like him in those roles)? Plus, the film is character-driven. You have to give in a little and listen to this guy, even though you may not like his character.

But I'm just curious as to why this movie is hated.

One song glory, one song before I go, glory, one song to leave behind


I wouldn't say I hated this movie, but here are a couple reasons why i didn't particularly care for it:

-The acting...(no not River). I didn't think Meredith was as good as she could have been (she was great in Natty Gann) and the one lady's acting was bad imo (the one he sleeps with towards the end) and Ione Skye was her usual bland self.

-It was b-o-r-i-n-g...I mean, I just couldn't get into it. I kept stopping and starting it because I got so bored. Maybe I have movie a.d.d but I just didn't find it particulary exciting or interesting. Maybe the book is better. who knows.

But with that said, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

"This shirt is dry clean only. Which means....it's dirty"


Thanks for your response!

With the acting, the only person I was a little bit disappointed with was Matthew Perry. It was his movie (and acting, I think) debut, though.

And I know where you're coming from with not being able to get into it. Even with movies that get rave reviews, I can't get into it at all (Syriana, for example. Much too tedious for me).

One song glory, one song before I go, glory, one song to leave behind


i love this movie...

"is it always hot like this?" "only when it likes someone"-River phoenix (jimmy reardon)


River said he chose this role for a change, to gain more self confidence (not that he didn't have all reasons for being self confident:). He wanted something a bit mature, yet it is well-known the movie didn't turn out the way he (and even the director) expected. The studios postponed its release almost 2 years!! Meanwhile they cut a meaningful part (although only a few minutes long), part in which Jimmy revealed himself as not so shallow a character. Plus River had composed this sweet little song for the movie, which was also overlooked. Here it is, somebody uploaded it on youtube on behalf of Wiliam Richert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv3QrVr3Jbs

However, I do enjoy the movie, it has it's fun moments and not only.


I think what people need to remember is that not everyone is going to like every movie. So you might like (I did too) and some might not.


I did like it. :)


The character was unlikeable. I didn't think he was a good guy.


He was misguided. Everybody has or had a buddy like this, a kid thats not all that bad but abit selfish and has yet to get his come-uppance. He gets wise in the end though, thats what matters.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


I agree with other posters that movie was basically mostly boring. Really for River Phoenix completists only.

Sometimes it's hard to say why a movie is boring... clearly this movie barely had a plot and was intended to be mostly character development. That can be ok though if done well. Take Dazed and Confused. One of my favorite movies and it has little more plot than Jimmy Reardon.

I guess it boils down to (1) the character being so unlikeable and (2) who cares what happens to this guy? He's a juvenile playboy/scammer. So what?


Jimmy Reardon lives every boy's fantasy by running back and forth between the Meredith Salenger, Ione Skye, and the sultry Ann Magnuson. I guess since I don't waste my time being social, I never knew of the film being hated. By 1988, teen movies weren't really doing well for some reason. River Phoenix wasn't a teen idol, nor was really anyone at that time. The movie also appears to have been mismarketed; notice how River Phoenix is wearing a modern day shirt on the poster.


I remember thinking Jimmy was a deplorable character. Aside from his good looks, he was garbage. A total, conceited douche. That's my guess. That's what I felt when I first saw it and have never wanted to revisit. He was everything didn't want to be from a character perspective.
