The Nest, the book

I read the book this movie was (loosely) based on back in the early '80s, and it was very scary and creepy. The Nest and Wolfen were a couple of the scariest books I ever read and was just wondering if anyone else had read them or not.
I have yet to see this movie because it kind of hard to find, and I really don't want to buy it just to watch once to compare to the book. Wolfen the book was much scarier than the movie.


What is the name of the book?? Who is the author?


The nest was written by Eli Cantor.


Actually, I have just found my old book from way back in Jr. High and it is by Gregory A. Douglas.

Cool, now I can read it again.


The novel 'The Nest' by Eli Cantor (under the pseudonym of Gregory A Douglas) was first published back in 1980 by Kensington Publishing Corp.


Hard to believe horror novels like this were actually bestsellers during the eighties. I used to peruse the sci-fi book and comic store "The Forbidden Planet" during the eighties and vaguely remember seeing this title of the bookshelves. Thanks for jarring the memories!

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I read that book when I was very young and it was scary, yes. It was extremely graphic and grotesque. I actually remember it was. Other similar books that I remember are "The Manitou", "The Prophecy", There was also a book that accompanied the 1978 version of George Romero's movie "Dawn of the Dead". That book was much scarier than the movie. I was a small child and was already at an advanced reading level. I have been looking everywhere for those books. What blows is that you have to find the titles by author. Most of these books were written by people that wrote by this sort of "sleeze" during that time. Their names are not memorable to me at all, sadly. If anyone knows how to find these titles, please let me know.


Was Terri Treas' character, the scientist, also in the book? And, if so, was she described as pretty or beautiful? And was she killed by the giant roach?


Yes, Dr. Hubbard is a character in the book but is male not female. No, he is not killed in the novel. These are just a couple of examples of how the movie is quite different than the book. The novel is very well written and you learn a lot about what it is like to live in a small island community on the East Coast by reading it. You also learn a lot about insect behavior and the concept behind why these creatures start attacking humans is unique and interesting. The books is also much more gruesome and graphic than the movie. The practical gore effects in the film are quite good for the 1980's but the descriptions in the book of the cockroach attacks are much more shocking. I liked the film but those that have read the book might be disappointed in how much it diverges from the novel. i guess you could say the only similarities are that they are both set on an island and involve cockroaches attacking humans. Actually, although that description is good enough for the back of a DVD jacket for a horror movie, it really doesn't do justice to the novel.


Thank you for the excellent comparison and review of the book. I thought the movie was very but good, but the book sounds awesome. To be honest, though, the main reason I enjoyed the movie was Teri Treas. She is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen . I cannot believe she was decapitated in the movie.


I never read The Nest, but I agree, The Wolfen was a very scary read. I like the movie version of Wolfen, but the book is way better.

Other books that I read and thought were better than the movie adaptions were:
Incubus, The Rats (filmed as Deadly Eyes), The Boogens, The Blob (1988), It (Stephen King) & Cujo.

Carrie, was actually one of the fews times where I felt the movie trounced the book. I loved the movie version, not so much the book.



Because of your comment, I am now reading Wolfen.

I had seen the movie but did not know it was "adpated" from a book

Thank you for putting me on to a good thing.


This is so cool .. I read this book years ago.. Loved it. very creepy and disturbing. I never knew there was a movie based, albeit loosely, on it.. Watching it now on MGM and loving it. The movie is very different than the book, but still enjoyable for a an '80's horror film...

The strength of the wolf is in the pack; the strength of the pack is in the wolf.


I read this book as a kid but don't remember anything about it. The photo looks familiar to me, is that the cover of the book? I read so many horror books as a kid I'm not surprised. I remember a lot of them, tons by Stephen King, and another one called Demon Seed about a house that is run by a robot that falls in love with the woman who lives there. I believe there's a movie adaptation of that too. Another one just remember the cover of a weed with tits, lol. There were so many. The Sentinel. Rosemary's Baby. Lots that involved children, including one with a little girl named Kendra. I fell in love with that name and decided I was going to name my little girl Kendra one day. What a trip down memory lane!

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