Favourite line from this movie

Hi, wanted to know what your favourite line in this movie was?

there are many for me... I'll start with "Ella no es profesora como otras!" jaja



My favorite line: "¡Me cago en la puta madre de esta señora!"

I just can't stop laughing!


Mine, no doubt, was this line(approximately):
"En el corral de mi terraza me hubiera gustado tener una pareja de todas las especies animales. En cualquier caso la única pareja que no conseguí salvar..... era la mía"
Incredible and chilling. What a work of art. I can watch this movie a thousand times and it still like the first time.


“Pepa, ¿tú te has dao cuenta la cama?”



"de tu padre que no te merece Ivan"...IVAN!!


'lo siento señorito, pero yo soy testiga de Jehová y mi religión me prohibe mentir. Yo sólo puedo decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad, Pero si me pregunta, yo le he de decir todo con pelos y señales'

¡Ya me gustaría a mi mentir, pero eso es lo malo de las testigas, que no podemos'

Portera testiga de jehová, la magnifica Chus Lampreave


Chus is so good! Love her!
Just watched Matador for the first time last week and she is so funny in that too!

Another favourite line "el mundo arabe... como se ha portado conmigo... yo no me lo merezco"

and the last line con el cutis de virgenes... can't remember it clearly but hahahaha



I can't write in Spanish so I'll do it in English.
In the beginning when someone asks Loles Leon (the secretary) to dial the two numbers and she says she'll dial one first then the other. That always makes me laugh like she's doing him a favor with her organizational skills! Her entire part is hilarious.


Candela: No me digas pesada que estoy muy sensible!


Pepa: Comentábamos el modelo de la señora.
Candela: Es horroroso, horroroso!


I agree, that´s my favourite line. too!!!




The Secretary was HILARIOUS! I wish she had a bigger part

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation (Eat, Pray, Love)


In the Mambo Taxi as Pepa is about to sign the autograph for the driver's girlfriend, "Y tu novia, como se llama?" "Azucena". That name has always cracked me up.


Rossy de Palma al abrir la nevera: "Gazpacho, ¡qué rico!"

Ana: "En esa moto no se sube otro chocho más que el mio!"


Pepa: “Hola! Soy la madre del famoso asesino de Cuatro Caminos. Cuando mi hijo vuelve a casa despues de cometer uno de sus famosos crimenes me trae la ropa que es algo de no creer"

It may be translated as:

Pepa: "Hello! I'm the mother of the famous Cuatro Caminos killer. When my son comes back from one of his famous crimes, it's unbelievable how he brings back his clothes" (a detergent TV ad)


"I better put shoes on for this. I wonder which is better...slipping on gazpacho or cutting myself on the glass."

So many movies, so little time...


Chus Lampreave's character saying that she can't lie because she is memeber of the Jehovah's Witnesses, so she has to say always the truth. She'd love to tell lies but she can't do it!

in spanish is something like this, if my memory serves me well:

"Si eso es lo malo de ser 'testigas', no podemos decir mentiras! Ya me gustaría a mí decirlas, pero que no puedo!"
