
what is the name of the drink that Pepa gave to the police?


hey i just watched the movie twice for my spanish class, its called gazpacho... how comes it was bugging you?? great movie though


Yeah, that´s right: the name is gazpacho.

In case you want to taste this delicious drink:
Take 7 or 8 very red tomatoes, 2 garlic cloves, 1 cucumber and 1 sweet/green pepper.
Put a small piece of old (hard) white bread in water for a few minutes.
Put everything together in the mixer and make a juice from it.

You only have to add olive oil, vinegar and salt and it is ready!!
(sleep pills are not recommended...)

A few advices about the making of gazpacho:

Before adding the garlic, cut the cloves lengthwise and extract the "heart" of them. By making this, you avoid to have the garlic taste in your mouth for the whole day.

Is also a good idea to strain the gazpacho as a last step.

And remember the most important thing: Gazpacho has to be VERY COLD when you drink it.

(In fact, Pepa tells the police the recipe when they ask her: "What is in here?", but I think with this explanation is much more easy to get a good gazpacho)

Enjoy it, is maybe the most healthy drink in the world.


Gazpacho is great in the summertime! I recommend it!


Gazpacho is not only rich in taste and ingredients, but it's also rich in history. It's a clearly Arab-influenced food/drink from the southern Spain.


I just LOVE Gazpacho!

"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"


ME TOO !!! :D



is there some kind of food you don´t puke at? just curious, don´t want to offend.
I fully recommend gazpacho if you like the ingredients, when it is hot out there, you just drink it cold and it´s great. A "vitamins bomb" as well

