About cursing in the 1960's

I was raised in the '60's, and my father couldn't do anything without cursing, from laying a floor to eating dinner. My father cursed as easily as he breathed. He was a WWII veteran, so he could curse like an expert.

I never heard my father drop the F-bomb. Ever. I'm sure there were people back then who did, but I can assure you that other than hookers, they certainly weren't women.

I really hate the way Hollywood tries to normalize their morality by rewriting history. All the stuff that would only be PG-13 today was the worst anyone my parents age ever said. And don't tell me they talked differently when I wasn't around. Our house wasn't that large, and I could hear them when I was in bed.

This kind of pseudo-reality is just ignorant.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


What the f<>k are you going on about wretch? Who cares about your equally phony and dimwitted daddy. I really hate how you try to normalize your own morality, by rewriting about how you DON'T FEEL you are a PHONY, NARCISSISTIC AND CREEPY STALKING k<>t. What a f<>king HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT you are. How is that for cursing, you clueless carnivore, who's cooking tastes like sh!t? 😄

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out unclean spirit.


Be nice, please, rascal67, thank you!


