
the simple, stupid species in the end was too peaceful to survive in a world so cruel. Any group(subspecies, race, culture, flock, herd, etc) that becomes too timid is destroyed. This is a fundamental of nature and it cannot ever change. A world of peace is impossible, it is not natural. It's a human abstraction of the simplest, most ignorant, form, so simple that only a child or a primordial human would consider to be possible. The world is and always will be a horrifically brutal place where mass murder and genocide are a regular occurrence. What this movie doesn't show is that the major contributing factor to their extinction wasn't direct murder/genocide but low birth rates in contrast to the other human groups. Low birth rates are associated with high intelligence and abstraction oddly enough. little was known of "primative" subspecies of humans when this movie was made, At that point people still believed neanderthals were less intelligent than we are when in reality they were far more intelligent than ancient or modern humans, inventing sailing and navigation, musical instruments, art and cosmetics hundreds of thousands of years before "modern humans" arose from their primitive state in africa. The "modern humans" from africa quite literally had no technology to give the neanderthal race because the neanderthal was already hundreds of thousands of years ahead of them in their development as a culture in a harsher more naturally selective climate. They were sailing/navigating to Crete and colonizing it 250,000 years ago. The "anatomically correct modern humans" or even their "cro magnon" ancestors didn't wipe the neanderthal out, they bred them out and mixed them out. Every generation there would be less and less neanderthals and neanderthals would mix with cro mags more and more as the two groups encountered each other with the ever increasing number of cro magnons and decreasing number of neanderthal. Eventually it got to the point that every single neanderthal was mixed race(yes race, they aren't a different species, speciation is defined by an inability for an admixture to produce viable offspring) but the first mixed race generations still had many neanderthal traits, at the same to(but to a lesser degree) neanderthal genes flowed into the sapien autosomal makeup through genetic drift but due to the vast numbers and geographic isolation of the various spaiens this ensured that the future of the new mixed race would have a majority of it's genetic make up comprised of those that migrated out of africa and not the native populations. As it turns out with the neanderthal genome project, all non-blacks are part neanderthal and they all carry MCPH1 a neanderthal gene which increases their brain size to the point that blacks have brainsizes around 100 cc smaller than non-black races and an IQ deficiency compared to the races which are part neanderthal. They also have something resembling civilization that is a good reflection of their lack of cognitive abilities, but they can't stop breeding yet asians and whites have very low birth rates in comparison, the entire white race has a declining birthrate issue while some of east asians populations have the same problem no black nations have this problem at all. It's the dumbest of the dumb that are the most violent, intelligent people don't participate in violence or risky activities, they plan reproduction and parenthood while unintelligent people don't think about anything they just act on impulse. This is why a group of intelligent people decline in numbers groups of stupid people grow. The intelligent groups have very fragile social structures while stupid groups have no structures to begin with or very simple tribal structures, this means that when the complex social structure collapses for whatever reason everything is thrown off balance for the people living within it while the simple tribal structure is so close to nothing that it's collapse is almost unnoticeable to those within it.
