
Man oh man, I love this movie, but my God, they smoked so much it was coming they the friggin TV!


Oddly enough, that's one of my favorite aspects of the movie.

And I'm not a fan of smoking, by all means, but movies like Midnight Run make it look so cool on screen.

I should also mention that Jonathan "The Duke" lecturing Jack about the dangers of smoking was incredibly amusing. I mean, how often do you see characters in a movie where there's tons of smoking speak out against it? Too funny!

All behold the spectacle! - Vlad Drac


Twas truly ahead of its time. My only quibble is he waited until the 'middle' of the film to start in on him about his excessive smoking.

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I noticed that just about every time Jack takes a drag of his cigarette, you never see him blow out any smoke. There's never any clouds of smoke because of this. Just the little stream coming from the cig itself.


I'm an ex smoker who can't stand smoking now but feel that it adds to this movie. I love that they could smoke in airports! And it fits that these types of characters (bounty hunters, bail bondsmen, gangsters, cops,etc.) would be smokers. It just feels right and adds texture to the film.

I hate how now everything is so PC bullish*t. No smoking in films, we don't want to offend the kiddies.


"It just feels right and adds texture to the film."

absolutely spot on it does...especially as we peruse over a movie filled with socalled lowlife characters... i mean are bailbondsmen much higher up the social ladder than criminals or gangsters?? nope theyre not (they might think they are)
the scene on the bus is particularly amusing with the duke nagging at jack over his smoking and pointing out its downsides which maybe was ahead of its time.

to me it parallels "cocktail" released the same time as MR with all the drinking shown in that movie(bryan brown smoked in it as well) which u dont see much nowadays


I agree, too much smoking. Was wondering if the film was partially funded by big tobacco?


No, it was just fully funded by the 1980s.

What Would Gibson Do?


I now go into corner store an buy myself a pack of cigarettes.


What are you people, the anti-smoking saints? (can you believe these guys over here?)
