MovieChat Forums > Midnight Run (1988) Discussion > Britain gets this on Blu-ray later this ...

Britain gets this on Blu-ray later this year, but America gets no HD love?

Come on! This just ain't right!


I can't wait, one of my favourites.


Universal released it a few years back on HD DVD -- you can pick one up for $28 used. It won't work in a blu-ray player, but at least you can tell people you own it in hi-def...

Here's what High-Def Digest had to say in 2007:

The source is in good shape, with only a bit of dirt here and there and a few minor instances of heavy grain (usually in dark scenes).

Blacks tend to suffer from a lacking shadow delineation, with the fall-off in the darkest areas of the picture obscuring detail, but colors are much better than previous versions, with a nice and warm quality.

Fleshtones are also largely accurate, save for a slight red cast in certain shots. Overall detail is also pretty good for a catalog release, although the image is slightly soft. There is also some edge enhancement noticeable.


What good is owning something that you can't use just to say you have it? That's absurd.


Crewse, relax. Have a cream soda.


I thought that was pretty relaxed. It's not like I finished it by threatening to stab you through the heart with a fu*#ing pencil.


Don't post a word to me, Crewse. Don't post a fúckin' word.

I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


That's better than sticking his head in a fückin' toilet bowl and making it stay there.

Now, time to order my Midnight Run HD DVD -- I'll put it in my player and make it work!
