Where is the Bluray?!?

Why no Bluray disc?!? I am dying over here.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

-Andy Dufresne


I'd like to see a blu-ray for this as well.


Let's petition Universal :-) Would love to have it one Blu.


Let's get some good extras on it. The director of the film Martin Brest did a commentary track for Beverly Hill Cop (84), so hopefully he will do one for this film. Also a 1988 and 2013 documentaries on the making of the film, trailers, teasers, tv spots. This film and A Fish Called Wanda were the 2 funniest comedies of 1988.


"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is right up there with these two.

1988 was a great year for comedies and films in general:

- Big (with Tom Hanks)
- Big Blue (not exactly a comedy but with great funny moments, and good film all around)
- Rainman
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- Coming To America
- The Naked Gun



Is the original print good enough for HD resolution? If not, what is the point in having a bluray? I remember looking at DVDs that were disappointing because the quality was not improved over VHS or regulat TV broadcast quality.

Or can they sharpen a print to the extent these days that it makes it worth while to own an old movie like this on bluray?


Everything would depend on the care Universal decides to take in case they wanna re-issue it for home consumption in the Blu format. A HD remaster would be necessary though,since the dvd edition left much to desire.

Recent examples of bluray re-issues of older films in the Universal catalogue for their 100th anniversary prove that they can do a wonderful job with older prints. Just look at for example what they did with the blu ray edition of Jaws, which is a 14 year older film than Midnoight Run and looks absolutely fantastic on Blu. One of the extras on the disc shows the process for the HD transfering, respecting the original print to an amazing degree yet retaining a great picture. Here's hoping...


This film should be in 'The Criterion Collection', a remastered special edition Blu-ray.
This is much better than some of the films they release!


This is one of the best pictures I've ever seen. Jack Walsh (Robert De Niro) slowly reveals his previous life bit by bit until the end of the movie. He was once a Chicago policeman and Jimmy Serrano (Dennis Farina) pretended to get him corrupted so he left the Chicago police department. Jonathan Mardukas (Charles Grodin) revealed his true life.

Monsters from the Id


It is a High Definition DVD and should be released on Blu-ray. I just can't get it- the movie was released in High Definition but it isn't available.

Monsters from the Id


Great film and I would also like to have the Blu Ray. Question above about the original print being good enough for HD. Well ... yeah ... it was probably shot in 35mm so most definitely.

Stream it off of Amazon or Vudu for $4. Full on 1080p with true 5.1 - it's awesome!
