Midnight run

When your having a poxy week everything is going against you grab a few beers stick on midnight run and you always smile for 2 hours great great movie not oscar material but just so enjoyable


Agreed but why is a movie you describe as a great great one not oscar material . Because the acadamy are so far up their own a** that they think this is too low brow to be considered for recognition.

God forbid they'd acknowledge a movie that's still loved 25 years later. Driving Miss Daisy anyone?

Even thinking about this movie makes me smile.


I loved this film!!! The acting was great by all, the pace kept things moving very well and made the time fly. The ending was wonderful. . .... "guess I'll have to walk." Ha!!


Besides being one of the most entertaining movies ever, Midnight Run just has the perfect mixture of humor, action, and even drama. Oscar bait films got nothing on it :)

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Just watched. Loved it!
