RIP, Jimmy Serano

Dennis Farina, one of the best. Hopefully he's somewhere in the great beyond burying a telephone in someone's head.


He played the role well. He definitely came across both scary and believable as Jimmy Serano. It says a bit about acting ability when you have feelings about the character they play whether it be hated, admired, or feared. I wish his family the best in this difficult time.

"Life with no freedom is a waste. Freedom with no honor is a bigger waste."


Very sad news. He was a great actor who made any film/show worth watching. When I heard of his passing, his unforgettable performance as Jimmy Serrano was the first thing that came to mind. "Is this moron number one? Put moron number two on the phone." Ah, so many classic Serrano lines.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


"Sydney sit down, relax, have a sandwich, drink a glass of some f'ng thing..."



One of the better actors who actually cussed properly on film. He sure could say the 'f' word with style.

One of my fav lines from the movie "you two morons better start getting more personally involved with your work!"


RIP - "I'm going to get a plane and blow torch the two of you."


I hope Dennis is not delayed getting into heaven as he might just stab St Peter through the heart with a pencil.

RIP to great actor.



One of my all-time favorite performances.


Wait a minute... who am I here?



He didnt even get a mention in this years "gone but not forgotten" segment of the oscars


If that was true, that's a disgrace...for this movie alone. I'm gonna have a cream soda.
