Marvin's Finest


classic stuff


I said NO, pecker breath!


HaHa Lockplay I stand corrected , I'd forgotten about 'pecker breath' . Marvin is just so funny . I could quote him all day.


Ha ha, "pecker breath" is my favorite.

I also love "are you gonna stand there with your thumb up your ass or you gonna get me the f^ck out of here?"

Marvin is great.

All behold the spectacle! - Vlad Drac


Marvin definitely brought a lot of dry wit to the film. I loved his quotes as well:

"See you in LA, Jack."

"Yeah, I read the F___ papers!"

"Watch your ciagrettes around this guy, Jack"

"Qhy dont you quit, it'd be cheaper for both of us."

My favorite was the exchange with the goons:

"Why the F are you guys?!"
"Who the F are you?!" (Marvin knocks him out with the shotgun and aims it at the 2nd.
"You're so dead. Do you know who you're F with?!"
"No, why dont you tell me...and make sure you speak into the MICROPHONE!" (knocks out the 2nd)

"If Obama's policies worked... Chicago would be the safest city and Detroit would be the richest."


Jimmy : " Who the *beep* is this guy?"
Marvin : "What, are you writing a book ? "

Gets me every time !


i'm a genius, i even surprise myself
