No Sequel?

Great buddy/road/ cop movie and terrific chemistry between the leads and supporting actors, so why no sequel?


It didn't make enough money.

Sad but true. Really the only reason.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Three made for TV sequels released in 1994.

Another Midnight Run (1994) (TV Movie)
Midnight Runaround (1994) (TV Movie)
Midnight Run for Your Life (1994) (TV Movie)

You don't know where I've been.


I never bothered to see the sequels because they got horrible reviews and I believe the critics on those.


It actually was a success in its own right, but it wasn't a BIG hit. The studios probably thought it didn't had franchise potential, simple as that.

However, the movie has always had a large enough following that a sequel with De Niro returning was announced a few years ago. I'm positive that is not gonna happen any time soon, and I for one, see it as a good thing. While it would've been fun to see De Niro and Grodin (and co) reunite, in my view this movie doesn't need a sequel. It's perfect the way it is.

You want something corny? You got it!
