De Niro Deserved Oscar

Robert De Niro's performance in Midnight Run is perfect, one of the most overlooked acting achievements ever. Any De Niro fan who hasn't seen Midnight Run has no excuse, unless they've never heard of the movie. Any non-De Niro fan might become a fan were he to watch it.


I think it is one of his best performances as well. I just think that comedy doesn't get the respect that dramas get, unfortunately.


Back then, a comedic performance getting recognized by the academy was not a rarity; in '88, Tom Hanks did get nominated for a much sillier performance. It was usually very showy performances that ended up getting noticed though, and in De Niro's case, there were probably many reasons why his performance as Jack Walsh was never in consideration.

But at any rate, even though the majority of the cast is brilliant in their own ways to me, De Niro's performance standouts the more I watch this movie. He's as boisterous and genuinely funny as he needs to be in all the exciting parts of the movie, and he is also warm and subtle in the quieter, more heartfelt scenes. In short, he delivers a riveting performance in a comedy.

Looks like I'm walking - JW


De Niro's so good in that movie it's hard for me to believe my eyes. I don't know people can do things like that.


Maybe you were thinking of Robin Williams for 'Good Morning Vietnam'?

But, fair point. While the role was comedic, Walsh was not a particularly nice guy which might have hurt.

As to your point about the whole cast, I agree. I can't think of a bad performance in the whole movie. Everyone was perfect for their roles - even the bit parts.
