I have a quick question

when angela and her son are walking into their new apartment, they walk around and then before leaving, he asks her what was in the middle of the room and she said a bathtub. then he asked why it was there, and she said I'll tell ya later, but then never did.

Why is there a bathtub in the middle of the kitchen? lol


Lol good question. I have no idea. =\ Hmm.


LOL I came here for the same reason. My only guess is that it was used to make "bathtub gin" during the prohibition era. Or maybe no reason.


In NY, some older apartments that were once tenements long, long ago have bathtubs in the kitchens. I believe it's because these apartments were built before some housing laws were passed, so the tubs were added to the kitchen to provide water (and abide by the law) at the turn of the century. I'm sure there's some interesting history that I'm not aware of to explain this!



in nyc, back before indoor plumbing and bathrooms, people took their weekly bath in the tub [or in the public bath house, located down the block]. it was in the kitchen so it's easier to heat up the water and put in the tub. besides, these apts usually had only 2 rooms....a kitchen and main living/bedroom area...and putting the tub in the kitchen made more sense.


ohhhh ok, that makes sense! ty for the answers all of you :D


was it not because the previous tenants would of been using it as a meth lab and the kitchen tends to have the brightest lights? Because there was a shower in the bathroom, so they wouldn't of needed to use the bath.



I always assumed it was something dirty because of the way she answers him "I'll- I'll tell you later." Kind of how some parents answer their kids when they ask where babies come from or like the time I asked my mom what an orgasm was! But the other answers make sense. I always wondered the same thing and that's what brought me to this board!


I thought she didn't know the answer herself, and so just said that to put him off.....- now, c'mon parents, who hasn't done a bit of that?!

Interesting about the history of it...


I just watched this movie again for the first time in over a decade... and I always remembered the bath-tub scene, for some reason! Although, when I remembered it, I always figured it was in some kind of lounge area rather than the kitchen/living area, and with her reluctance to explain it, I assumed it was a reference that the apartment maybe used to be a brothel of some kind. At least, that's what my older brother probably told me when I was younger... the references above to either the bootleg gin, drug lab or old building code requirements probably make more sense, though.
But the comment immediately above explains Angela's response though... it seemed like she was just trying to get her son to shut up.



Apartment was a tenament building in NYC.Back in the day, bathtub was always part of the kitchen.AND...the toilet was down the hall & shared by tenants.That's what my mom told me!
