I wish this movie would be brought out on dvd. It's one of my favourites and my two tapes are showing many signs of wear and tear.



Do you know something? Time Warner distributed the VHS edition. Is Cannon Releasing still in business or did they get bought out? In other words who is holding the rights to Little Dorrit?



I found out that this film is now owned by Sands Films in the UK, which also distributes the rest of Christine Edzard's works (www.sandsfilms.com). I've written to them asking them if the DVD is in process and what kind of target dcate they have for release. Hopefully they'll respond, and if they do I'll post here!


This is the most wonderful film of all time, and I've been in love with Sarah Pickering ever since I saw this film years ago (on VHS). If you pass on the email address of the people that own this film, I'll also email and beg to have it released on DVD... And I'm sure a million other people will do the same... Thanks...


Please have a look at your ImdB Private Message Mail Box.


Are you still interested in a DVD copy?


i need this film on dvd.
im desperate to see it!
its got my top two actors in Alec Guinness and Derek Jacobi. plus it as people like alan bennet and david thewlis - could you ask for a better combination?


Dec 07 08
Looking for the Little Dorrit remastered on Region 1 at fair price or copy of i from someone at fair price for me on region 1 in the USA. Why the heck they don't put it on Region one for people in the USA? If you have information about how to get it or copy of it on dvd please let me know please? Thanks Elizabeth Osborne
[email protected]


Dec 26 08
When will this be out on Region 1 for people in USA. I would like to have this on dvd and not have to go through uk for it at all. But i would also like to have it in my collection on dvd for region 1? Keep me in informed about it please? I would like to know when it will come on region 1 for people in the USA instead of having to buy it through UK dept on the internet. I would like the remastered of it on dvd please? Thanks Elizabeth Osborne
[email protected]


Dec 26 08
When will this be out on Region 1 for people in USA. I would like to have this on dvd and not have to go through uk for it at all. But i would also like to have it in my collection on dvd for region 1? Keep me in informed about it please? Then have to buy it though UK on Amazon.com, Rather buy it though USA amazon.com on region 1. instead of.I would like the remastered of it on dvd please? Thanks
Elizabeth Osborne
[email protected]


...I'd almost give one of my damn kidneys to get this on dvd. I think I'll start doing some e-mailing of my own, maybe it'll wake up the distributors! My vhs, as someone else mentioned, is starting to show it's age.

I find it hard to believe that an Alec Guiness performance this fantastic isn't available.

"Are those trunks full of bodies?" "Just those, but I don't intend to unpack them."


One of your kidneys LOL


Little Dorrit will become a DVD....
The UK distributor will be Optimum, the German Distributor will be Kino Welt and the head distributor (france) will be Canal +

Don't know about US...

Update on www.sandsfilms.co.uk
All the best



How did you arrive at that conclusion? I just went through that entire site and I didn't find a hint that this film was being produced on DVD.

The good news is that they do say that all their DVDs are All Region, so if it does happen it will be good to go everywhere.


Sandsfilms wrote to me, that the DVD is coming but it will be another year, they think.


You have made my day!!!!! Sir Derek is far and away my favorite actor, and his role as Arthur in Little Dorrit is one of my favorite roles...I will keep my peepers peeled for this one.

Thank you again!!

Mybethers (ator1974's wife)


At the moment there is an offer with eBay UK for this film on DVD.



I could give you my copy. If you are interested, please send me a private message.




I've emailed sands films twice and they've never answered me.

Count me and a few others I know, as chomping at the bit for this gem to come out on a GREAT dvd transfer.

I too can't believe that a film with one of Alec Guinness' best Oscar nominated performances - let alone all the other greats in this film - hasn't come out on dvd yet. Yes, it isn't the 'masses' cup of tea, but I KNOW there are enough people out there who would buy it to make it profitable!


I have waited years for this one to become available again. So the Region 2 dvd release news is heartening. Hopefully this dvd will include some bonus features on the making of the film. Commentary by Jacobi would be phenomenal!


I've just come from Netflix, and this particular movie had been on the list. They are uncertain about the release date, although one could still put it on their queues by clicking save. I have a feeling that this will finally be released sometime in the near future, so keep your fingers crossed.


It's now October 2007, is there any news?


Yes there is, Sands Film informed me today:

'The legal mess which prevents this film to reach the public is nothing short
of dickensian..... However, things are moving on...
A digital remastering of the film is currently under way... Part One
"Nobody's Fault" is done and Part Two "Little Dorrit Story" will start the
process this Wednesday... The picture is remarkably fine and sharp. The film
is also getting a freshening up of the sound track...
We hope that the DVD will soon become available... But WHEN?
We don't have an answer yet... Technically it could be just in time for
But I will say Easter 2008 to be safe and to have a bit of time marketing
the release...'


"We hope that the DVD will soon become available... But WHEN?
We don't have an answer yet... Technically it could be just in time for
But I will say Easter 2008 to be safe and to have a bit of time marketing
the release.."

How exciting. I can't wait--I love this film. I've been fortunate to at least own "Little Dorritt" on Laser Disc. I look forward to hearing more updates about the Region 1 release!


"The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on."


I'll be first in the queue to get this when the DVD is released.


Easter 2008 has now come and gone, and we're headed for summer, but still no DVD of Little Dorrit. I have the Warner VHS tapes (one for each part, not possible to get all 6 hours on a single VHS) and several months ago I emailed Sands Films, but no reply. As soon as I see this on DVD, believe me I'll grab it with both hands, the best adaptation of Dickens ever put on the big screen. As soon as I hear anything, I'll post it on this thread.


The lovely people at Sands Films sent me an e-mail with a release date of October 2008, though they will update the people who are on their mailing list about a month prior.




I got the same e-mail. I guess it's a go, then?


It's always amazed me that one of Alec's best performances wasn't available...



Sept 10 08
tell where and when if this going to be region 1 for usa players please? And where i can get it at on the internet please? Please send information at [email protected] please? Thanks Elizabeth Osborne

