if they made a remake

They should get Gary Oldman to play Jesus. He played Pilate in the tv movie but i would like to see him cast as Jesus and maybe Ed Harris as Pilate. Just a thought.


Not realistic. Oldman is 53 at this time.
The mythic jesus was early 30s.
Tough sell, right?

Gott ist tot.


What a coincidence!! The real Jesus was in his early 30s too!!

Living well is the best revenge.


no way, if they remade this it would be a comedy starring Jack Black as JC with Fred Armison as Judas and Kristen Wig as Mary Magdalene. Jon Voight would bring the acting chops as Joseph, JC's father. With a special cameo by Chris Rock reprising his role as Rufus, the 13th Apostle.


Well, a comedic take on Jesus has already been done ("The Life of Brian"). Since the original movie didn't make money, and was plenty controversial besides, I wouldn't bet the family farm on a remake, comedic or otherwise.
