favorite dinosaur?

mine's spike.

Talking leg: "You're pullin' me!"


I can't really choose a favorite. I like Ducky a lot, but Cera's pretty cool too even if she is kind of a bi... jerk sometimes. Petrie is quite charming too. Littlefoot seems a little meh and Spike is ... well, what is there to say about Spike? I guess he's kinda cute in that unwitting infant sort of way. Sharptooth has that predatory kind of 'tude that I find magnetic, thought truth be told I'd rather be nowhere near him for safety reasons. Littlefoot's mother was cool except for her segregationist way of thinking. Then there's Rooter, with his grouchy wisdom.

I think it's best I don't tell you who my least favorite is.


Don't remember much about them, but from what I remember it would have to be Petrie.



I would say Cera, because she's headstrong, and she's someone I can relate my personaility to.

Abigail Chase: Look!
Ben Gates: It's a cipher...
Riley Poole: Clever!



Petrie because he was the funniest. Will Ryan rules!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.



Mine are Littlefoot and Ducky they're pretty cool.

"it takes two to rock a boat."


Littlefoot FTW!

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


what does ftw stand for?? :S

"it takes two to rock a boat."


For The Win

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


probably spike


Think mine would be little foot as he was my best one when i used to watch this as a kid.

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DEFINITELY Sharptooth!

The best animated T.Rex EVER, That's for sure ;)

And regarding the good guys, i'd say Petrie... He's the funniest of the bunch!


I like Spike too, but after watching the movie recently I couldn't help but notice that he seemed like a huge pot head. I've never seen anyone eat that much, talk that little and move that slow without help from marijuana.His eyes were always glazed over and he just looks high. Maybe he was gobbling down a different type of herb.


Maybe he was gobbling down a different type of herb.



Ducky! Followed closely by Petrie.

I was wrong about Kennedy been TBK's tag partner and I am not right about everything.

Member of the 123 Gang


mine was Littlefoot, though i liked Petrie too...

Never rub another man's rhubarb


SPIKE! Hahahaha! I love him
Then Ducky, I love her, she's so cute! I love her random singing. Big mouths are the best.
My two friends actually have the nicknames Ducky and Littlefoot, I completely forget how we came up with that, but somehow, we did...


I love all of them, but my favourite has to be Spike.

He's really sweet, loyal and totally adorable. I also like the way he doesn't talk, there aren't very many characters like that and his personality still shines through and that's not easy to show and I think that they did a good job. :)
