English Remake Cast

Jacek... Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Heath Ledger would've been ideal)
Balicki... Peter Sarsgaard
Taxi driver... David Koechner


No remake. Case closed.


Yes, I agree that a remake would be terrible. This film cannot be made in America, it is honestly and truly a product of its time and place, namely PRL Poland. It also requires the deft touch of Kieslowski. Without Kieslowski there is no "Short Film About Killing." He is truly one of a kind and could not be emulated even by the most well-meaning imitator.


Do NOT give them ideas, people!!!


^^^I'm with the three posters above me. No remake is necessary.


Jacek.......... Brad Pitt
Balicki........ George Clooney
Taxi driver.... Angelina Jolie


I dislike throwing mud on ideas. But...yeah, sometimes you just have to throw mud on ideas. Remake culture may not be the cause of the brain drain, but it is certainly one of the symptoms.

