Better than Crash

Similar "connected lives"


There are a lot of movies "better" than Crash. For example, just about every other oscar nominee. That is, of course, if you are reffering to the movie that won the oscars, I havent seen the Cronenburg one yet.

A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.


Better than both, I liked the one minded storyline and I thought it was similar to the Oscar winner Crash although was disturbing like the older David version.



to even compare this amazing movie with a peice os rubbish like Crash, is a total joke and a disgrace to the film maker.


It is annoying how every movie with interconnected storylines gets related to that one mediocre movie.


I actually quite liked Crash but I don't know why the OP feels the need to connect the two when one's about racism in L.A. and the other is about Capital Punishment in Warsaw!

That's like comparing Short Cuts and The Big Lebowski just because they both star Julianne Moore! lol


It's nothing like Crash. This barely had 4 main characters, and had nothing to do with racism.

"Rape is no laughing matter. Unless you're raping a clown."


Crash is a fine film, if for nothing but its message. The dialogue is for the most part crap though. But its not a terrible film so I don't buy into all the hate it gets.

Now, that said. A Short Film About Killing is a masterpiece, and should never have been mentioned in the same breath as Crash. Why? Because they have nothing in common except the interconnected characters (random chance is a huge theme in this movie), and thats that. Oh, and A Short Film About Killing is way out of Crash's league.


"Crash" (2004) is a well-meaning little film that gets way too much attention, from both its supporters and its detractors. "Crash" (1996) is a provocative shocker that doesn't get enough attention, and the attention it gets is often for the wrong reasons. "A Short Film About Killing" is a hauntingly beautiful and humanistic masterpiece that is better than the other two films combined.


Every movie ever made is better than Trash.

"Let's hear you call Boris Karloff a c_ocksucker."


You do all realize that Altman made Short Cuts in the 70s, long before Crash ever existed? And I'm sure Short Cuts isn't even the first film to explore that particular format. For god's sake, you could have said Magnolia....

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!


Did you mean Nashville? Short Cuts wasn't made until 1993.


Yes, I meant Nashville.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!


To compare that film to this is an insult to one of the greatest artistic works of all time. This film is one of the best you will ever, ever see. Crash is effective but trite sentimentality in a nice little PC message that everybody can pat themselves on the back for and go home and be all pleased about how relevant and good they are. It's a well-made film but no great. This, on the other hand, is one of the greatest of all time.

If you're looking for a "connected lives" film similar to Crash, look to Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia. It's a rough-and-ready masterpiece, it doesn't touch the nobility or humanistic depth of this film, but few films do, and it has no real message like Crash, but it doesn't need one, and it's still a tremendously exciting film with some incredible editing and exemplary performances in a terrific script.


My blog, if you're interested; [email protected]


Weird comparison, oh well, at least it's better than Nashville.
